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  1. Thanks. This info would have been useful in the FSUIPC7 Offset Status doc. I wasn't sure about that. I did look at it. I didn't know "Path of Flight Simulator installation" == "InstalledPackegesPath". Thanks again.
  2. Hi John, as far as I know you are free to choose another location for the community folder, for example via usercfg.opt. Or is this info wrong?
  3. Hi, I'm looking for an easy way to read the version number of a specific MSFS aircraft add-on with a Lua program. The only location I found that version number is the manifest.json of the add-on, which is installed in the community folder. I guess there is no way to read the version number of an add-on directly, so I would try doing it manually by looking for the manifest.json file in the add-on folder. Reading the FSUIPC documentation, I could not find an offset that holds the path of the community folder directly. I know of offset 0x3C00, which could in theory be used to find the community folder, but I also know of the problematic use of this offset, when it sometimes only returns a relative path, which is useless in my case. Knowing that we have MS2020 and MSFS2024, Steam and Store and on top the possibility to move the community folder to a custom location, it would be a rather tedious task to find the right folder under any circumstances (for example via usercfg.opt).
  4. Hi John, just to let you know, in the meantime, I think I loaded four to five flights and on all flights the keys did work with your provided beta. This looks promising. Thank you!
  5. Thanks, John! I may be able to test the beta later in the week. I'm occupied with work, unfortunately.
  6. I presume you mean >key presses<? For some reason I have this quite regularly (not always) since not long ago. Key presses don't trigger their assigned actions. After a restart of FSUIPC, everything is working as intended again. I will increase the delay as you suggest. The delay is 85 right now, and I guess the value comes from auto tuning, because I can't remember setting something up myself.
  7. Hi John, this may sound a little pedantic, but with my example from above, the lua ist still not autostarting with the latest FSUIPC7. [Auto] 1=Lua PMCO_FNX32X ;does not start, space seems to prevent it... 2=Lua PMCO_PMDG73X; does start
  8. Just coming back to say thanks for including this!
  9. It would be much appreciated. Thanks John.
  10. Hi, from older posts I thought it would be possible to add comments to the ends of lines in the FSUIPC7.ini using the semicolon. I had to learn that the following code snippet only autostarts the second lua script without comment but not the first one. Is this to be expected? Can comments in that section be supported in the future? It's certainly not a big thing but I had some support requests for my shared lua script because of that. Thanks! [Auto] ;just a test 1=Lua PMCO_FNX32X ;does not start 2=Lua PMCO_PMDG73X
  11. Hi John, I know you can do this already with Lua, and actually I'm doing it succesfully for some time now, but it would be even better to have it natively included in the GUI for button and key assignments. I'm close to the point of running into max number of Lua scripts, lol. 🤪 I guess this would be quiet a substancial undertaking, but there is no harm in asking, right?
  12. Thanks John! This is awesome. One problem less.
  13. That's my concern, as well. I don't have high hopes they come to this in the foreseeable future, with all the stuff they are working on. Are they even aware of this? They have a voting system, as far as I know. Is there already a thread I could upvote? Not knowing any of the internals, I ask myself, what consequences it would have to increase the number of accessible LVARs in FSUIPC / WASM module to a limit, that can hardly be reached in the future, like factor 10 of what we have now (please don't shoot me for writing this 🙈). Is this even possible? Would it impact performance? It's good to have a work around with restarting the sim for the time being. Thanks for the info. I just came across this issue when the A310 arrived and I flew something else than just the Fenix A320.
  14. Hi John, I can confirm, that Ä key is working now in the sim, too. 👍
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