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Adam Ruemenapp

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  1. SLAT/FLAP SYSTEM The high lift control system consists of flaps and slats. The slat system controls eight slat surfaces on the leading edge of the wing (four per wing) and the flap system controls four double slotted flap surfaces on the trailing edge (two per wing). SLAT INBOARD SLAT OUTBOARD FLAP INBOARD FLAP OUTBOARD SLAT/FLAP PANEL LOCATION Surface position commands are given to the Slat/Flap-ACE (SF-ACE) via a Slat/Flap control lever installed on the center pedestal in the cockpit. Each SF-ACE is a dual channel unit, with one channel for flap control and one channel for slat control. There are seven slat/flap control lever positions. Slat and flap motion is sequenced such that slats extend first and flap retracts first when the motion command requires both surfaces to move. The system uses electrical power to move the surfaces. http://www.aviationlearning.net/files/EMB 190 REFRESHER.pdf Page 38
  2. The SLAT FLAP indicator on the display shows concurrent movement. It should be slat movement then flap movement. Slats should be set to 15 degrees prior to any flap movement. On the retraction the flaps should move and finish moving before slat movement.
  3. That is correct. In the actual airplane Slat and Flap movement is not concurrent.
  4. Im seeing this this in external view was well as on the Slat/Flap indicator on the EICAS
  5. The sequence for Slat Fap movement on the E175 is incorrect. The Slats should finish moving in the the 1 position, stop moving, and then the flaps move into the one position. Same thing on the retraction. Flaps 1- Slats should move into position then flaps Flaps 2 - only flaps move Flaps 3 o- nly flaps move Flaps 4/5 - Only slats Move Flaps Full - Flaps move Reverse sequence happens on retraction.
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