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Everything posted by helios123

  1. thank you very much spokes2112 I used the lua files in the other thread and it all works perfectly
  2. Hi Earlier in this thread you said: "Note that this technique is extensible for any number of different uses for the same axis and, by using different offsets (66C4 is the next -- the range 66C0 to 66FF is free for users, giving 16 possible DWORDs to use) and renamed versions of "multiaxis.lua", can be applied to any and all axes." I'm having trouble doing this for multiple axis, as I am not sure how to use multiple offsets for the button states. Can you please explain how I could have 3 axes change function (simultaneously) based on 3 buttons, so a total of nine axes?
  3. I got x-55 hotas and the SLD button is not read by FSUIPC. Everything else is working fine and recognized. According to windows it is button 35 for the throttle and is clearly read by windows and the Saitek programming software. Is there anyway to get the button to be read by FSUIPC? Sorry if this is in the manuals somewhere but it is all too complicated for me.
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