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    Arizona, USA

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  1. Hi, Thank you for the information; I'll explore the links, etc. to see what I can come up with. Long story, this time around, I purchased/registered both from the simMarket folks in December 2012. I can normally find ways to get things to work, but this one has really put me out in left field for no apparent reason that I can see, and I'm feeling pretty stupid. Anyway, yes, I unzip files frequently, that's why this one confounds me as I can't see any reason for it not to extract - oh well, I guess I'll try contacting the WinZip folks to see if they can offer a suggestion. If that fails, I guess I'll just have to let it go. Bottom line, I really appreciate you taking the time to communicate with me on this. Thank you. Howard
  2. Hi, First I apologize to anyone who may take their time to read this. This is such a "basic" problem that I'm sure it borders on wasting someone's time to read it, let alone respond to it, but if you do, thank you. Over the years, I've tried to use both the "free" version and the purchased versions of FSUIPC (also purchased WIDEFS7 with FSUIPC4 - seemed like a good idea at the time since it had a bundled purchase price, but I have no idea what it's for...), but I've ALWAYS given up trying to use them because I just cannot get the downloaded zipped file extracted/unzipped. This time around I really want to get it opened and operational so I can use it with FSFLYINGSCHOOL 2014, but, as before, I can't do it. I always have a great deal of trouble even downloading the program (even though I purchased it in the past, I can no longer find that zipped file, so I just downloaded the "free" one this time). Same problem, I can't get it extracted/unzipped. So, can you please tell me how to do it so I can finally use it (actually, I really don't know what either of these programs are supposed to do or why I have to use them - seems if they are necessary for other programs, they should just be licensed to the other companies to build into their programs - so if you could enlighten me as to what they're for, I'd appreciate that, too). And, if I can get it opened, does it have to be installed somewhere specific - I ask because a lot of programs default to the "C" drive, but I have FSX on it's own standalone drive and I'm guessing it might need to go there somewhere. I hope my confusion makes sense and, again, I'm really sorry to have to ask. Thank you. Howard H. Harrison
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