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    Burlington, VT

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  1. I am not having any luck with loading a saved flight. I suspect it has something to do with the SPB file it generates. The Missions-> Custom -> CustomFlight saved flight SPB file is only 1KB and the ones generated by Simconnect are around 45KB. Modifying the FLT files and having a flight plan generated or not doesn't make a difference. I can't find a way to decompile the SPB file to compare.
  2. I am also trying it now. Are you still using offsets 3F00 and 3F04?
  3. Hi Paul, For those of us with Beta access to MSFS2020, dev access to the SDK and FSUIPC7, is there anything to test for the .NET client? I am testing my programs that uses your awesome client. There are some fatal exceptions around it specifically so far to FsWeather library that i've seen, as well as some other things. You can PM me or let me know if I could be of assistance to try out some updates.
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