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Everything posted by efpg0708

  1. Hello. I´m trying to use the auto save toggle function with P3Dv4, but i`m having some issues. I´ve assigned a key (made sure that this key is not assigned to anything else in P3d): https://postimg.cc/jL7gNC33 Auto Save is enabled in FSUIPC. The thing is, sometimes the toggle works, but most of the time it doesn´t (fsuipc keeps saving even after I press the assigned key to toggle it off). Would anyone have any idea why this might be happening ? Thank you Eduardo
  2. Hello. I'm trying to find a lua plugin that will play a wav sound when the center gear touches down on the runway. I have been reading about the lua scripts but I cannot understand it. Would this be easy to create ? Thanks Eduardo
  3. Hi Pete how are you ? I used to have a folder called MR in my desktop with Makerunways.exe and a scenery.cfg file with the paths for all my P3d sceneries (pics attached), and makerunways worked just fine, generating the g5 and r5 files that sim-avionics uses to retrieve gate info. I've changed PCs, created the same folder with the same files, but now I get an error message saying FAILED TO MAKE ALL THE DATA FILES. What could be causing this error ? Thank you Eduardo
  4. Hi guys. I'm having some issues when running Prosim with P3dV4 on a network using WideFS. Every 2 or 3 seconds, everything (displays, mcp, radios, but not P3d) hangs for a second, on a continuous loop. This doesn't happen with SimAvionics. Here are the logs. ********* WideClient Log [version 7.151] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 14/10/18, Time 19:28:32.063: Client name is AVIONICS 94 Attempting to connect now 94 LUA: "C:\PROSIM\Wideclient\Initial.LUA": not found 94 Trying TCP/IP addr, port 8002 ... 94 Connection made okay! 16797 New Client Application: "ProSim737" (Id=2440) 189265 ****** End of session performance summary ****** 189265 Total time connected = 189 seconds 189265 Reception maximum: 22 frames/sec, 4761 bytes/sec 189265 Reception average whilst connected: 20 frames/sec, 4007 bytes/sec 189265 Transmission maximum: 14 frames/sec, 1863 bytes/sec 189265 Transmission average whilst connected: 1 frames/sec, 63 bytes/sec 189265 Max receive buffer = 2059, Max send depth = 9, Send frames lost = 0 189265 **************** Individual client application activity **************** 189265 Client 2440 requests: 77042 (Ave 407/sec), Data: 261395910 bytes (1383047/sec), Average 3392 bytes/Process 189265 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 10, Alloc 80997 Freed 80997 Refused 0) ********* ********* WideClient Log [version 7.151] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 14/10/18, Time 19:18:30.767: Client name is AVIONICS 94 Attempting to connect now 94 Trying TCP/IP addr, port 8002 ... 94 LUA: "C:\PROSIM\Wideclient\Initial.LUA": not found 94 Connection made okay! 328 Connection closed by server! 328 Attempting to connect now 328 Connection made okay! 2297 New Client Application: "ProsimMCP" (Id=8076) 3172 New Client Application: "ProSim737" (Id=1168) 44281 ****** End of session performance summary ****** 44281 Total time connected = 44 seconds 44281 Reception maximum: 22 frames/sec, 4771 bytes/sec 44281 Reception average whilst connected: 20 frames/sec, 4049 bytes/sec 44281 Transmission maximum: 9 frames/sec, 1835 bytes/sec 44281 Transmission average whilst connected: 1 frames/sec, 144 bytes/sec 44281 Max receive buffer = 1679, Max send depth = 10, Send frames lost = 1 44281 **************** Individual client application activity **************** 44281 Client 8076 requests: 384 (Ave 8/sec), Data: 690252 bytes (15687/sec), Average 1797 bytes/Process 44281 Client 1168 requests: 18062 (Ave 410/sec), Data: 61290585 bytes (1392967/sec), Average 3393 bytes/Process 44281 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 11, Alloc 19364 Freed 19364 Refused 0) ********* P3Dv4 runs on a Windows 7 machine and Prosim on a Windows 10 machine. Any ideas of what could be causing this ? Thanks Eduardo
  5. Hi Peter Have you seen this new tool ? https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/beta-announcing-the-simin-sdk.443755/ Maybe this could help on a future implementation of the friction module in FSUIPC5 ? Cheers Eduardo
  6. Hi guys; Sorry to dig up this post, but has there been any development on this ? IMO, the ground friction tool was one of the best tweaks ever for FSX, and it still is the reason I still haven´t moved up to P3D4. Thanks Eduardo
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