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Posts posted by TorranceR1

  1. I have recently been trying to setup my Saitek Throttle and seem to be having some problems. I have Assigned to axis' on my throttle to a throttle each aka. Axis Y for Throttle 1 and Axis Z for Throttle 2. I assigned both in the Axis assignment section of FSUIPC and then pressed 'Set' for both Throttle 1 and 2 in the Calibration section but when I went into the VC I had a problem. I tried moving both at the same time and the first thing I noticed was that Throttle 1 jumped straight to about 50% even though I only pushed it forward slightly on my Saitek Throttle. Throttle number 2 seemed fine, when I move it a slight bit it only moves a slight bit in the simulator so Throttle 1 is the only one I am having problems with. I am still fairly new to FSUIPC so still trying to get the hang of it.


    My FSUIPC.ini file - http://pastebin.com/RGBuYGX0


    Thanks, Robbie

  2. Hi all. I haev just recently purchased a Saitek Throttle Quadrant to go with the one I already own that came with my yoke however I am having problems with setting it up in FSUIPC. When I go into the 'Axis Assignment' page in FSUIPC, click 'Rescan' and move any of the 3 axis' on my NEW throttle they aren't picked up! When I move my already owned throttle's axis' they are picked up...?


    I hope to hear from someone soon! Any help will be appreciated.


    Thanks, Robbie

  3. Hi. I have been using FSUIPC for about a month now and have been very pleased with it. Although I have recently ran into a problem. I now have no control over my rudder and brake axis. I use saitek rudder pedals and therefore have a rudder and brake axis in the one controller. I tried to assign the rudder and brake axis through the Axis Assignment section of FSUIPC but every time I move either the rudder or brakes it is not picked up inside FSUIPC. I tried looking at saiteks own control panel for the pedals and everything seemed fine their, all axis working and moving in the calibration. I also tried assigning it in FSX's own controller page, it also worked their. I do not want to have it assigned in the FSX control settings though as I am on Windows 8 and have my controllers set up in their makes a lot of problems such as the controller just going off, that is one of the main reasons for me purchasing FSUIPC.


    Any help is much appreciated as this is really annoying me and stopping me from flying at the moment.


    Thanks, Robbie

  4. Hi, recently I have bought FSUIPC and really enjoyed it with the massive variety of things to do! Up until recently where I have run into a problem with assigning the throttle. For some reason the throttle axis reset itself so I tried to go into FSUIPC and reassign it, but that didn't work. When I go into the Axis Assignment tab, then move the axis on my throttle that I want to use for the throttle, I have a problem. When my throttle lever is at 0% or idle it shows -16384 and when it as at 100% is shows 16384. But anything in between 0% and 100% doesn't seem to work. So from 0% all the way up to 50% it only shows -16384 and from 50% up to 100% it shows 16384. So it is like it has only two power settings, full power and no power at all.


    I am still quite new to FSUIPC so don't exactly understand everything yet. Any help would be much appreciated as right now I basically cannot fly as these throttle settings just aren't possible to fly with. Just to point out it isn't only with one of the three axis' on my throttle, it happens to all of them.


    Any help appreciated, thanks.



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