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  1. Its best to send small commands or just one offset or offsetmask at a time from the arduino then let the luascript handle it. I am just using this for switches and indicators now.
  2. Since LUA sockets no longer work in FSUIPC5 I came up with this work around: Thread First I created two virtual serial ports with this free app com0com it creates two virtual serial ports and links them together. One port is connected to a LUA script with com read and write and the other is connected to this free app CommTunnel. this app even has a window so you can see whats being sent and received. I use esp8266 12f wifi chips with mcp23017 gpio expanders(I2C version) with adafruit library(for mcp23017) and arduino IDE for programming. (ordered in bulk from china they are very cheap and you can chain 8 via I2C for 128 gpio ports on one esp12f). The 8266 is more powerful and has more memory and costs alot less than an arduino and has WIFI. you can get the nodemcu devkit that has a serial interface on board but i am trying to cut out as many wires as possible.
  3. First I created two virtual serial ports with this free app com0com - https://sourceforge.net/p/com0com/news/2012/06/com0com-v3000-released/ it creates two virtual serial ports and links them together. One port is connected to a LUA script with com read and write and the other is connected to this free app CommTunnel - http://www.serialporttool.com/CommTunnel.htm. this app even has a window so you can see whats being sent and received. I use esp8266 12f wifi chips with mcp23017 gpio expanders(I2C version) with adafruit library(for mcp23017) and arduino IDE for programming. (ordered in bulk from china they are very cheap and you can chain 8 via I2C for 128 gpio ports on one esp12f). The 8266 is more powerful and has more memory and costs alot less than an arduino and has WIFI. you can get the nodemcu devkit that has a serial interface on board but i am trying to cut out as many wires as possible.
  4. Thanks, i have it working for now using an app that receives udp and sends it to a virtual serial port
  5. but widefs doesnt support event.control and other things i need. Pete are there plans to update this to 64bit when back from your holiday?
  6. So sockets don`t work with p3dv4 and fsuipcv5 ? did you get it working?
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