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Everything posted by bjoerntiemann

  1. PMDG777 has a button within the FlightManager to toggle AUTO TO GA (corner down left). This button has the same function like AUTO TO GA in your Program FSUIPC. So i unsed the way via FSUIPC in P3Dv2. Now in P3Dv3 it crashes. Bjoern
  2. Hello Peter, I have an issue with the PMDG777 when toggling AUTO TO GA via version 4.946b in P3Dv3. While toggliing, the SIM crashes. It only happens with the 777 not with the NGX737 or any other aircraft. When I toogle the TO GA buttin inside the aircraft (without unsing FSUIPC) it works fine. Any idea? Cheers Bjoern
  3. Is it possible, to transfer my current settings in FSUIPC from Prepare3D 2.5 to V3?
  4. Thank you Peter, I thought exactly about those two publishers.... What is the difference between positive an negative slope?
  5. hi, does anybody have recommended "realistic" slope suggestions for me? Iam using saitek hardwear. Thank you Bjoern
  6. Its actually not loosing during the game (like the common win 8.1. problem), my joystick in not working frome the beginning. Not detection in FSUIPC`s as well.
  7. Hello Peter, I am running version 4.939 under P3Dv2.5. Often FSUIPC is not detecting my Saitek Yoke, Peddals and Throttle during the game. I am unsing Win 8.1.. Do I have to install an older version to work it? Thank you very much. Bjoern
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