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Everything posted by efsenable

  1. I just needed help, that's it. didn't mean to blackmail you into helping me.. I just thought that since you were the author of FSUIPC, you will want to provide help to your customers. I'm sadden to say that in my experience this is not the case. Sorry to have bothered you with my inane issues.
  2. Look, sigh, i bought your product, I actually spent money on it and I would very much like to take use of it. having said that, I honestly lack the knowledge how to manipulate my sim using LUA, and although i followed his tutorial to the letter, I still wasn't able to accomplish what I set out to do. So I implore you, please help me out, sir - Am I asking too much here ? I could send you my order details in PM should you so desire. Thank you.
  3. Any chance that someone could refer me to a tutorial for the less tech savvy people among us on how to make this wonderful contribution work ? I tried to do what's written in the first post, though I didn't quite understand what Throttle N is (does N suppose to represent a variable of the engine number I aim to configure ?) I have a warthog throttle quadrant and I would very much appreciate it if someone could just instruct me on how to configure this script to work with it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hey guys, Here's a question - I own the HOTAS warthog and I was wondering if I could assign a switch that toggles between normal thrust and thrust reverse in such a way that once the switch is ON, if I move forward the thrust levers, I get reverse thrust, and if the switch is in OFF position, the quadrant acts "normal" Is such thing possible ? thanks for your help.
  5. hey guys, Sigh, So i've been trying unsuccessfully to make my yoke movement a bit more refined, to be less responsive and basically setup it up so that my b777 won't feel like a combat jet aircraft,,, What is the RIGHT way to do that ? thanks in advance for your help.
  6. Hello, Bought these two and i was wondering if ever button in the throttle quadrant is assignable via FSUIPC to control a specific thing in the PMDG aircrafts. Also, Is it recommended that FSUIPC will "control" the axis or not ? thanks in advance for your help.
  7. Hey guys, New member here. Bought p3d v2.5 and a Saitek Cessna pro yoke the other day. I enjoy it thoroughly, but at low speeds, during approaches, the plane tends to be uncontrollably for me, to a point where each elevator movement (moving side to side is fine) bring the nose up and down in a steep movement.. Is there a way to alleviate this very frustrating issue ? would it help if i bought FSUIPC ? Thanks a lot for your reply. Peter.
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