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  1. John, Thank you. Jock
  2. I have the auto-save function as active. I have successfully assigned Auto-Save Toggle to a button on one of my controllers. My questions is: How at any time, short of going into the 'save' folder to look at the last autosave file details, can I tell if Auto save is on or off? Any assistance would be appreciated. Jock
  3. John, thank you for your response. My response to you in red above. Please accept my apologies, as all the answers were in the Jun 12 thread. I missed the 'one liner' in regard to an alternative to LUA! I attach my current .ini file should you have any comments on my amendments. Not expecting it as I have wasted enough of your time. Appreciate your support. Cheers Jock FSUIPC7.ini
  4. I am currently attempting to assign throttle axis for the PMDG DC-6 using the Thrustmaster TCA throttle controller. Being a dual controller, axis 1 & 2 then 3 & 4 have been assigned to each throttle respectively. I am using the ‘THROTTLE_AXIS_SET_EX1’ designations from the drop down axis list. Throttles are moving correctly in MSFS, the issue being that due to ‘no calibration’ available in FSUIPC, the throttle reverse latch needs to be lifted to bring the throttles down to idle. Not particularly practical! It is my understanding that calibration is possible with this set up via some LUA programming as outlined in a thread back in June. I am attempting to avoid this if possible. Is any workaround now possible? I am currently on FSUIPC7 ver 7.2.8 Any assistance would be appreciated. For info :- There was not the need to amend the .ini file to ‘Reverse’ Cheers Jock FSUIPC7.ini
  5. Pete Thank you for the explanation. I obviously cannot do what I want to with this model but you have given me some options to look at. Cheers Jock McIntyre
  6. Pete. Thank you for your response. I do not have the 'No Reverse Zone' ticked in 4 throttles page. However, I notice in the Users Manual under Joystick Calibration, there is a box 'IMPORTANT: Throttles for Wilco Airbus users (and possibly other Airbus add-ons)'. I guess the Aerosoft Airbus could well fall into the description in the brackets. Understand what I need to do in the .ini file and change to 'Send to FS' and select 'Axis_Throttlen_Set' etc and calibrate. The fact is with 'Send to FSUIPC' and NOT calibrating, the throttles are fine. So it comes back to the question (given that the AS Airbus falls into the 'Throttles for Wilco Airbus users (and possibly other Airbus add-ons))' category, can I somehow configure reverse thrust on these throttles using FSUIPC? Thanks again for your attention, Pete. Cheers Jock McIntyre
  7. I am attempting to calibrate my CH throttles in the Aerosoft 318, 319 Professional, with FSUIPC. I have successfully created the Axis with ‘Throttle 1 etc’ and ‘Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration’. I have not calibrated but can see the numbers incrementing for both throttles in the ‘Joystick Calibration’ tab on the “separate throttles per engine’ page. While this setup is manageable, I would like to calibrate for reverse thrust. Is this possible? Any assistance would be appreciated. Cheers Jock McIntyre
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