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Everything posted by m4dsurg3on

  1. I think he means on http://www.schiratti.com/dowson as it shows the .123 when it's actually the .124 version.
  2. I've decided to run the Delete Generated Files within the Prepar3D folder in order to revert everything to its default state. For some reason that did the trick even though I have restored all my previous add-ons. Something somewhere got corrupted which was causing the FSUIPC not to perform as usual. It's all good now. Thanks, Pete and this can now be marked as resolved. Cheers, Sanjin
  3. I was using the .123e version. Yes, the same thing happens with other planes as well, even with the default F22. All my PMDG planes are up to date. For example, there is a 20 seconds timer where the PMDG plane needs to load all its systems. As soon as the green bar shows up with that 20 seconds timer, it disappears instantly. After that, calling up the FSUIPC menu and exiting is causing P3D to crash.
  4. I did a clean install of the latest FSUIPC 5.124 but there's something strange going on. I load up the PMDG 737 at FlyTampa EHAM (gate D47) and once the scenery is done loading, just as the plane systems start loading from 20 sec (I think), it get's interrupted. If I call up the FSUIPC menu from the Add-ons, it opens but with a few seconds delay. As soon as I close the FSUIPC menu, P3D crashes instantly. I went one step further and disabled every .dll and .exe entry in the .xml in order to reproduce the cause and the only thing that, once it's disabled didn't cause any issues with the same or different scenario is the FSUIPC5.dll in the dll.xml entry. Plane loads completely, views can be changed in ChasePlane etc. I'm not saying that the FSUIPC is the main cause but something is definitely interfering with the FSUIPC module and I can't find what it is. I have already zipped the FSUIPC5.log and I can upload it here if needed. Cheers, Sanjin
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