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Everything posted by Gemma

  1. Thanks Pete, appreciate the help I can get on with things now.
  2. Thanks Pete, yes the penny has dropped as they say. I created my own confusion due to the simplicity of some of the examples I found which led me to think there was a limitation to just a single ASCII character. I realise now this is not the case at all. Can I confirm with you that if I refer to the LUA documentation, com.write is essentially the same as io.write?
  3. A quick question about com.write. From examples here and elsewhere I have a simple lua script which is able to switch an output high or low on Arduino with the value of an Lvar changing. (good start!) I am realising though I do not really understand com.write. Though I have researched several examples and figured a lot of the code I could do with explanation of what com.write is actually doing. So it sends a string such as "a" to the device with the given handle. But what does this actually mean? Is it restricted to a single character and hence 0 to 255 possible combinations or could it be "abc" also and thus unlimited? I do have the the FSUIPC: Lua Library Reference open in front of me, I am just looking for deeper understanding of how sending a string such as "a" to the com port achieves things. What if I had a constantly changing value, say for a gauge, how do I get that to Arduino using com.write? Sorry if I am being a bit thick, probably overthinking the whole thing so a simple explanation of how com.write works would be appreciated.
  4. Hi to all! I'm just starting out with FSUIPC, LUA and LINDA and have a simple question. I have assigned keys to use the command 'List local panel variables' And also moved the example log lvars.lua file and assigned that another key. I have made note of the differences, the first command returns a list of local panel variables (I might have expected that from the name) The log lvars.lua provides a rolling log (I'm good at this eh?) OK, so here is the question, is it possible to remove unwanted values that keep streaming from the sim model from the FSUIPC log window when running log lvars.lua so I can concentrate on just the L:VARS for particular switches? I have read about LINDA and understand from a post by Gunter that LINDA has this functionality. The reason I ask (even though I know LINDA offers a solution) is that I would like to write a short tutorial on the benefits of each FSUIPC, LUA and LINDA for basic switch assignments and particularly reading L:VARS as I have read very much to get to a point where I might actually be able to program a switch and would like if possible to make this process easier for others who wish to do so. I would not like to state it is not possible to remove unwanted variables from the FSUIPC log window when running log lvars.lua if it is actually a case that it can be done. I will read again the advanced FSUIPC user manual as I have a nagging feeling the ability to do this was mentioned but I'm struggling to locate where I read it now and am wondering if I simply confused it with information I read about LINDA. So if someone can give the answer as to whether it is possible to remove unwanted L:VARS from the FSUIPC log window when running log lvars.lua it would be much appreciated.
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