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Reynaldo Duarte

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Everything posted by Reynaldo Duarte

  1. Mr Dawson Finally, Problem Solved I tried to open the main EXE file and SUCCESS When I use the desktop icon it does not work Thank uoi for you kindness and attention Best regards Reynaldo
  2. Mr Dowson As I said the FSuipc is not working yet. It´s strange because I use your products for years without problems. I followed all your suggestions: 1- Uninstall and re-install VC redistributable installed (VC_redist.x64) 2- Unistall and Install FSuipc 3- There is a splash screen, after that program closes and no log file saves. 4- Event manager> https://reyduart.tinytake.com/msc/NzI0MTUwOF8yMDA1MDU1MQ https://reyduart.tinytake.com/msc/NzI0MTUxMF8yMDA1MDU1Mw - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> - <System> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM" Guid="{1B562E86-B7AA-4131-BADC-B6F3A001407E}" EventSourceName="DCOM" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">10016</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>3</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8080000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-08-17T21:04:52.4423715Z" /> <EventRecordID>4121</EventRecordID> <Correlation ActivityID="{c79f6a32-17ac-45eb-813e-5ee3ff83e67a}" /> <Execution ProcessID="1276" ThreadID="19308" /> <Channel>System</Channel> <Computer>CasaSP</Computer> <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-2654457660-3979763937-757484826-1003" /> </System> - <EventData> <Data Name="param1">específico do aplicativo</Data> <Data Name="param2">Local</Data> <Data Name="param3">Ativação</Data> <Data Name="param4">{2593F8B9-4EAF-457C-B68A-50F6B8EA6B54}</Data> <Data Name="param5">{15C20B67-12E7-4BB6-92BB-7AFF07997402}</Data> <Data Name="param6">CASASP</Data> <Data Name="param7">Reynaldo</Data> <Data Name="param8">S-1-5-21-2654457660-3979763937-757484826-1003</Data> <Data Name="param9">LocalHost (Usando LRPC)</Data> <Data Name="param10">Não Disponível</Data> <Data Name="param11">Não Disponível</Data> </EventData> </Event> I really tried everything I could to solve it with no success. Maybe the events could explain Best regards Reynaldo
  3. Sorry, I thought you had understood that I followed your advice. Did you try starting FSUIPC7 directly (by double-clicking the FSUIPC7.exe)? What do you see? THE WINDOWS OPENS AND THEN CLOSES WITHOUT START THE PROGRAM Have you re-installed the combined VC++ redistributables, as indicated in the README.txt (i.e. uninstall the ones currently installed and install the combined package available from Microsoft)? YES I DID INSTALL THE REDISTRIBUTED VC++ IN MICROSFOT SITE Regards
  4. No way! I tried to reinstall vcruntime140.dll with no success at all. The problem continues , sorry to say. Regards Reynaldo
  5. Dear Mr Downson I did the following steps 1- I tried to search windows events (event viewer) and could not find any event related to Fsuipc 2- After that I decided to format 😄 my PC and did a fresh install of MSFS2020 and installed Fsuipc 3- The problems persists I really do not know how to handle it. 4- It opens and appears a windows says PREPARONG THE CABIN - PLEASE WAIT and after 1 min it closes. Regards Rey
  6. Dear Mr Dowson I am sending the Fsuipc7 directory picture and it did not create a log file. I could not sau it as crash but the program does not open. I´am sending you also a small video showing the behaviour of Fsuipc; I click, it starts and thenm after about 20 seconds it closes. No log file generated; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WqdLxsQzknXZeL1uaHYf7y7ZP4LheFNY/view?usp=sharing I turned off Malware and Firewall programs as well Regards Rey
  7. Dear Mr Downson I read the posts before placing my message. I could not find FSUIPC7.log file, where is that located? Regards Rey
  8. Dear Commanders I am having a persistant error after installing/uninstallinf Fsuipc. I also check if my antivirus/firewall was blocking it The programs open and in some soconds it clashes/closes. What am I to do in order to fix it? Regards Rey My data: reyduart@gmail.com InstallFSUIPC7.log
  9. Dear Mr Downson thank you very much indeed for your kind and ultra fast answer. I follow you suggestion and it´s all working well Best regards from Brazil Congrats for this amazing tool Rey
  10. Dear Mr Downson thank you very much indeed for your kind and ultra fast answer. I follow you suggestion and it´s all working well Best regards from Brazil Congrats for this amazing tool Rey
  11. Dear Commanders I am struggling to assign the 4 DC-6 (MSFS2020 PMDG) engines to the same throttle level since I have only 2 levels - I´d like to assign 4 engines -1 level and 4 propellers - 1 level The question is: 1) Is that possible 2) If so how can I manage it? Best regards Rey
  12. Dear Mr Downson Congrats on this fantastic product (Fsuipc), I live in Brazil and I managed to assign the tiller using FsLabs A320X but when I tried to configure the tiller in the Dash8 Majestic I couldn't manage. My set is composed of a Saitek Proflight Yoke and Saitek rudder pedal besides I am using a stargate NX controller manging my tiller hardware. I must tell you that all the 3 hardwares (yoke + rudder + tiller) are recognized both in P3D4.2 and Fsuipc. The question is how to configure the tiller? Best regards from Brazil Reynaldo Duarte
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