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Everything posted by AlMassimo

  1. And now, ladies and gentlemen, after some weeks of work (and with great support from John) I have reached a good level of control of the FBW A320 through my home cockpit, so I feel reasonably confident to be able to resume all I found in the promised WASM LVARS TO OFFSET BASIC GUIDE! First of all, I must specify that my hardware is based on : - Opencockpit 737 MCP and EFIS (+ NAV Radio, not yet programmed by now) - Main Control Panel, Throttle quadrant and Overhead are self made and based on 3 arduino Mega boards controlled via MobiFlight, and - essentially - by FSUIPC7 (registered version). So this "guide" (let me call it this way) tries to summarize what I achieved : - Opencockpit 737 MCP and EFIS converted almost completely the to work emulating pretty well an A320 FCU - Throttle quadrant (throttles, reverse levers, spoiler, flaps and flaps gauge indicator (stepper motor), engines fuel valves and ignition (start) switches is fully operational - Overhead : for the moment I have APU master and APU start (unified because on 737 there is only one APU start/stop momentary switch. APU bleed and APU generator all working, also BLEED, APU GEN OFF BUS, GEN1 and GEN2 SOURCE OFF and GEN1-2 OFF BUS annunciators working. Most of these controls are operated through these LVARS, either in SIOC or with MOBIFLIGHT. [LvarOffsets] 1=A320_Neo_MFD_NAV_MODE_1=UBA000 2=A320_Neo_MFD_Range_1=UBA001 3=A32NX_PARK_BRAKE_LEVER_POS=UBA003 4=A32NX_FLAPS_HANDLE_INDEX=UBA004 5=BTN_TERRONND_1_ACTIVE=UBA005 6=AIRLINER_LS_On=UBA006 7=A32NX_AUTOBRAKES_ARMED_MODE=UBA007 8=A32NX_SPOILERS_HANDLE_POSITION=UBA008 9=A32NX_FCU_SPD_MANAGED_DOT=UBA009 10=A32NX_FCU_HDG_MANAGED_DOT=UBA00A 11=A32NX_AUTOTHRUST_MODE=UBA00B 12=A32NX_AUTOPILOT_1_ACTIVE=UBA00C 13=A32NX_AUTOPILOT_2_ACTIVE=UBA00D 14=A32NX_FCU_ALT_MANAGED=UBA00E 15=A32NX_FCU_VS_MANAGED=UBA00F 16=A32NX_HOME_COCKPIT_ENABLED=UBA010 17=BTN_LS_1_FILTER_ACTIVE=UBA011 18=A32NX_FCU_APPR_MODE_ACTIVE=UBA012 19=A32NX_OVHD_APU_MASTER_SW_PB_IS_ON=UBA013 20=A32NX_OVHD_APU_START_PB_IS_AVAILABLE=UBA014 21=A32NX_OVHD_APU_START_PB_IS_ON=UBA015 22=A32NX_OVHD_ELEC_APU_GEN_PB_IS_ON=UBA016 23=A32NX_APU_BLEED_ON=UBA017 24=A32NX_AUTOPILOT_HEADING_SELECTED=UWA020 25=A32NX_AUTOPILOT_SPEED_SELECTED=UWA022 26=A32NX_AUTOPILOT_VS_SELECTED=SWA024 30=A32NX_APU_EGT=UWA026 31=A32NX_APU_N=UWA028 32=A32NX_APU_BLEED_AIR_VALVE_OPEN=UBA02A 33=A32NX_OVHD_PNEU_APU_BLEED_PB_IS_ON=UBA02B where SB – signed byte (1 byte) UB – unsigned byte (1 byte) SW – signed word (2 bytes), use for signed short UW – unsigned word (2 bytes), use for unsigned short SD – signed double-word (DWORD) (4 bytes), use for signed int UD – unsigned double-word (4 bytes), use for unsigned int F – floating point number (4 bytes), use for float Some functions are operated by controls offest sent from SIOC using Var 0001 name FS_CONTROL Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3110 Length 4 Var 0002 name FS_PAR Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3114 Length 4 65879 HEADING_BUG_INC 65880 HEADING_BUG_DEC 65896 AP_SPD_VAR_INC 65897 AP_SPD_VAR_DEC 66241 TOGGLE_MASTER_BATTERY 66701 AVIONICS_MASTER_SET Other controls, most of which related to FCU push/pull knobs, are sent by "custom" control numbers calculated according to the FSUIPC7 for Advanced Users.pdf pag. 37 - Add-on Custom Events This needs one (or more) files with .evt extension, that will be listed automatically in FSUIPC7.ini under "EventFiles" section like this (in my case) [EventFiles] 0=A320_NX 1=A32NX this is the content of my A32NX.evt file : [Events] 0 = A32NX.FCU_AP_1_PUSH 1 = A32NX.FCU_AP_2_PUSH 2 = A32NX.FCU_AP_DISCONNECT_PUSH 3 = A32NX.FCU_ATHR_PUSH 4 = A32NX.FCU_ATHR_DISCONNECT_PUSH 5 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_INC 6 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_DEC 7 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_SET 8 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_PUSH 9 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_PULL 10 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_MACH_TOGGLE_PUSH 11 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_INC 12 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_DEC 13 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_SET 14 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_PUSH 15 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_PULL 16 = A32NX.FCU_TRK_FPA_TOGGLE_PUSH 17 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_INC 18 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_DEC 19 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_SET 20 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_PUSH 21 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_PULL 22 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_INCREMENT_TOGGLE 23 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_INCREMENT_SET 24 = A32NX.FCU_VS_INC 25 = A32NX.FCU_VS_DEC 26 = A32NX.FCU_VS_SET 27 = A32NX.FCU_VS_PUSH 28 = A32NX.FCU_VS_PULL 29 = A32NX.FCU_LOC_PUSH 30 = A32NX.FCU_APPR_PUSH 31 = A32NX.FCU_EXPED_PUSH The number of each control is obtained by 32768 + number of the specific file containing the command selected * 256 + number of the control in the file. So, eg., since A32NX.evt is the second file in the [EventFiles] section of FSUIPC7.ini, the control for A32NX.FCU_AP_1_PUSH will be 32768 + 1 * 256 + 0 = 33024, while A32NX.FCU_AP_2_PUSH will be 32768 + 1 * 256 + 1 = 33025 and so on. Anyway, you can assign the control you need to a "test" button under FSUIPC panel and then in the console you can see the number of the event that has to be used, and this helps a lot. Some (fortunately very few, HVARS, can be controlled in various ways, but I simply used some very basic LUA code function update_switches() BTN_LS = ipc.readUB(0xA050) if (BTN_LS == 1) then ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1") end BTN_HDG_MODE = ipc.readUB(0xA053) if (BTN_HDG_MODE == 1) then if (ipc.readUB(0xA00A) == 0) then ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_PUSH") else ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_PULL") end end BTN_ARPT = ipc.readUB(0xA056) if (BTN_ARPT == 1) then ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_ARPT_1") end BTN_CSTR = ipc.readUB(0xA057) if (BTN_CSTR == 1) then ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_CSTR_1") end SW_CUTOFF1 = ipc.readUB(0x6220) if SW_CUTOFF == 1 then -- ipc.control(67197, 1) end end -- update_switches -- ================================================================================= event.timer(100,"update_switches") THAT'S ALL FOLKS!
  2. Essential information!!! Right! So the numbers don't change!
  3. Ok, sure, i will study all I can before writing again! But if I'm going to write some sort of tutorial or FAQ I must be sure to have understood what I read, and... ehm, I'm sure only when you confirm that I have understood! (even when something seems to work I'm not totally sure to have fully understood the process...) Thanks, your support is invaluable and I can't "monopolize" your time, you really helped me a lot. Massimo
  4. Uhm... I must try to understand better these aspects (events, presets, HVARS, calculator code, controls, custom events...) this is the section Eventfiles in my FSUIPC7.ini [EventFiles] 0=A320_NX 1=A32NX there is no path and no extension, but the only file with name A32NX is an .evt file with this content (can't remember how it was created and when...) [Events] 0 = A32NX.FCU_AP_1_PUSH 1 = A32NX.FCU_AP_2_PUSH 2 = A32NX.FCU_AP_DISCONNECT_PUSH 3 = A32NX.FCU_ATHR_PUSH 4 = A32NX.FCU_ATHR_DISCONNECT_PUSH 5 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_INC 6 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_DEC 7 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_SET 8 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_PUSH 9 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_PULL 10 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_MACH_TOGGLE_PUSH 11 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_INC 12 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_DEC 13 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_SET 14 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_PUSH 15 = A32NX.FCU_HDG_PULL 16 = A32NX.FCU_TRK_FPA_TOGGLE_PUSH 17 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_INC 18 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_DEC 19 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_SET 20 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_PUSH 21 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_PULL 22 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_INCREMENT_TOGGLE 23 = A32NX.FCU_ALT_INCREMENT_SET 24 = A32NX.FCU_VS_INC 25 = A32NX.FCU_VS_DEC 26 = A32NX.FCU_VS_SET 27 = A32NX.FCU_VS_PUSH 28 = A32NX.FCU_VS_PULL 29 = A32NX.FCU_LOC_PUSH 30 = A32NX.FCU_APPR_PUSH 31 = A32NX.FCU_EXPED_PUSH Then I have a file with the name of the second file in the FSUIPC7.ini (A320_NX) which is a LUA file (A320_NX.lua) that I wrote with some hvars; Since A320_NX.lua is a name that I gave to that file, I don't think there are other files with this name (normally is A320_Neo or A32NX). The events.txt seems to contain sort of macros or calculator code with some instructions or conditions or whatever //Aerosoft/CRJ 550-700-1000/Air Condition / Pressurization ASCRJ_AIRC_AFT_CARGO_AIRCOND_SWITCH#(L:ASCRJ_AIRC_AFT_CARGO, Bool) ! (>L:ASCRJ_AIRC_AFT_CARGO) ASCRJ_AIRC_PACK_L_SWITCH# (L:ASCRJ_AIRC_PACK_L, Bool) ! (>L:ASCRJ_AIRC_PACK_L) ASCRJ_AIRC_PACK_R_SWITCH# (L:ASCRJ_AIRC_PACK_R, Bool) ! (>L:ASCRJ_AIRC_PACK_R) ASCRJ_AIRC_RECIC_FAN_SWCH_OFF#0 (>L:ASCRJ_AIRC_RECIRC_FAN) eg very interesting G58_MAGNETO1_BOTH#3 (>K:MAGNETO1_SET) (A:GENERAL ENG STARTER:1, Bool) if{ 0 (>K:SET_STARTER1_HELD) } contains both controls K: and A: vars! I definitively must study more deeply these instructions, I think is calculator code, must search on advanced manual! I can copy some of these rows in myevents.txt and use with offset $3110 and the numbers 262144, 262145 ? This could probably solve the issue with sending 2 different controls in sequence with different parameters ?
  5. The files listed in FSUIPC.ini are .evt not .txt, or at least I remember so (I'm not in front of my PC now, I'll check this evening), and they have no path, just the filename, so they should be in the same dir, or in a default dir that requires no further path indications. Anyway, I'll try to do as you suggest, I'll create a myevents.txt file, and then call the events from 262144, 262145 and so on, in order to be sure that the number won't change unless I do so. What is the difference (if there is one) between .evt files and events.txt files ? There are also .hvar files but I haven't tested them yet. For the moment I have done only this : 1) insert LVARS and assign offsets to them in the appropriate section of FSUIPC.ini file, and then reading the offset in SIOC or in Mobiflight, eg to change the state of a led output or perform other actions based upon the value read (very seldom LVARS are also writable, most of them are read only) - each LVAR must be existing in the list visible under FSUIPC/WASM/LIST LVARS 2) calling events from SIOC or LUA code, after having found their number in console, temporarily assigning the control to a button, or watching the events generated by clicking on a control in the simulator. 3) activating HVARS in LUA code, eg --> ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1") after finding the HVAR under the list in FSUIPC/WASM/LIST HVARS menu
  6. Ok thanks, probably it was clear but I didn't remember that, but on the other hand seems to be a good thing to me, in fact this means that the order of the events cannot change if the content of the files isn't modified (but I can ADD events at the bottom of each file adding new progressive numbers). I could also copy the rows in a "guide" file with the control numbers to be used for each event. The question is that I found only one .evt file in my FSUIPC folder, where could be the second one ? And what happens if an event is duplicated in both files ? Thanks for all your clarifications and hints, they save me a lot of troubles and smoking brain!
  7. Yes, I would be happy to gather all the things I discovered and made to work, because before finding the right variables and the right procedures I had to face many errors, doubts, things not working, etc. So a FAQ summarizing all the steps that worked will be pretty useful for others. I am now trying to write the code for the pedestal (fuel valves and startup, eg starter knob) and the overhead, in order to be able to go from cold and dark to fully operative and configured plane without clicking on a single spot in the virtual cockpit, excluding the CDU that I don't have as hardware. Looking on the console, moving the valves send 2 controls, one to shut off the fuel, and one to switch off the starter. I tried to send 2 controls with SIOC but something goes wrong (probably a timing issue) and I get 2 times the same control instead of 2 different controls one after the other. I will try with LUA instead of SIOC but I can't remember if lua checks only the change in state of the vars (as SIOC does) or reads continuously the vars, in that case will send repeatedly the controls, and I'll have to set a flag to execute the controls only once (maybe the FS or L variable that read the status of the valve). I have only a concern about the events numer calculated upon the order of the event in the list. I have used many events now, and I'm worried that if FBW should add some new control all the numbers could be shifted and will be necessary to find them again an change the values in the code. Being able to call events by name (as happens with HVARS) would be a very interesting possibility, but I can imagine that is not at all easy to do...!
  8. SOLVED! Hi John, after a lot of trial and errors, and checking the controls sent on the console, I understood that the number of the controls I needed wasn't the one in the file "A32NX.evt" but the one that appeared in the commands to be assigned to a button in FSUIPC interface, and this was confirmed because, assigning the controls A32NX.FCU_SPD_PUSH and A32NX.FCU_SPD_PULL in the console I saw 33032 and 33033. So this is the LUA code that solved and worked perfectly : BTN_SPD_MODE = ipc.readUB(0xA052) if (BTN_SPD_MODE == 1) then if (ipc.readUB(0xA009) == 0) then ipc.control(33032) else ipc.control(33033) end end while other functions of the FCU (like heading) are controlled by HVARS (and in theory there should be also for the speed but they don't work). BTN_HDG_MODE = ipc.readUB(0xA053) if (BTN_HDG_MODE == 1) then if (ipc.readUB(0xA00A) == 0) then ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_PUSH") else ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_PULL") end end BTN_ARPT = ipc.readUB(0xA056) if (BTN_ARPT == 1) then ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_ARPT_1") end All works very well now, I found some LVARS that gave me the information about the current state (MANAGED / SELECTED) that are 20=A32NX_AUTOPILOT_HEADING_SELECTED=UWA020 22=A32NX_AUTOPILOT_SPEED_SELECTED=UWA022 So checking the byte A020 and A022 I can switch from the current AP HDG and SPD value in managed mode (PUSH) to "---" displayed in selected mode (PULL) that looks very A320 style on a B737 MCP! Since I'm not having CTD for the moment, I love the FBW A320, it's a great plane. I'm currently using the last stable release (v0.7.4)
  9. PS I mentioned HVARS (not controls) because under HVAR list I find 201: H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_PUSH 202: H:A320_Neo_FCU_HDG_PULL 203: H:A320_Neo_FCU_SPEED_INC 204: H:A320_Neo_FCU_SPEED_DEC 205: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_INC 206: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_DEC 207: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_PULL 208: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_PUSH 209: H:A320_Neo_FCU_ALT_PULL 210: H:A320_Neo_FCU_ALT_PUSH 211: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_INC_FPA 212: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_INC_VS 213: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_DEC_FPA 214: H:A320_Neo_FCU_VS_DEC_VS But there are not the HVARS H:A320_Neo_FCU_SPD_PULL and H:A320_Neo_FCU_SPD_PUSH that are supposed to exist (I found them somewhere under FBW documentation) but trying to activate them in LUA seems to have no effect (I used exactly the same code that worked with HDG_PUSH and HDG_PULL that works fine). BTW the only HVAR I found in the list was H:A320_Neo_FCU_MODE_MANAGED_SPEED, but strangely it turns on CSTR button in EFIS and has no effect with SPD controls.
  10. Hi John, I need your help (yes, again...) The work with the implementation of FBW A320 functions on my cockpit is proceeding very well, I have a lot of controls already working fine, I solved some difficulties with encoders (that used to control directly a variable with ROTATE function in SIOC, now I have to use INC e DEC commands, but works), and other issues with lua code, mix between activation of HVARS and setting of LVARS, but after all nothing too difficult thanks to the advanced manual and your precious explanations and hints. Even the CTD issue is pretty kind with me at least in the last 3-4 days, and FBW A320 is a beautiful addon, great sounds and a lot of functions to enable! Now I am stuck with the A32NX.FCU_SPD_PUSH and A32NX.FCU_SPD_PULL functions. Under the HVAR list I couldn't find these two essential controls, it looks strange. But I found them under button assignment list, and they work, they work also under the calculator code, perfectly. I have an A32NX.evt file under FSUIPC7 dir, and this is the content : [Events] 0 = A32NX.FCU_AP_1_PUSH 1 = A32NX.FCU_AP_2_PUSH 2 = A32NX.FCU_AP_DISCONNECT_PUSH 3 = A32NX.FCU_ATHR_PUSH 4 = A32NX.FCU_ATHR_DISCONNECT_PUSH 5 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_INC 6 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_DEC 7 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_SET 8 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_PUSH 9 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_PULL 10 = A32NX.FCU_SPD_MACH_TOGGLE_PUSH ...... So A32NX.FCU_SPD_PUSH is the 8th position, It should be 32768 + 8 (I have only one evt file and there is only that group of events t.w.i.k.) and A32NX.FCU_SPD_PULL should be 32768 + 9 (that means 32776 and 32777) but issuing these 2 commands from SIOC doesn't work. Also in LUA I can only call controls by number and not by name, so I don't know how I'm missing to make them work... Can you help me ?
  11. I have tested all I could figure out about the use of the vars I found under developer mode / behavior / A320_Neo_interior / Airliners but it's clear that MS/Asobo for the moment and despite all the requests I've seen on the net, seems not be going to release an update that allows cockpit builders, hardware and software producers to control the B: F: and maybe also O: variables. I think I reached the maximum level possible of interaction with default A320 available at the moment, and the cockpit is performing quite well after all. For the sake of study (and fun I hope) I will now switch to FBW A320, that seems to allow the use of all it's local and H: variables (besides giving a much wider functionality) BUT apparently it causes a lot of CTD to my PC configuration/cockpit addons - with FBW removed from community folder I'm having almost no CTD even using extensively FSUIPC, Mobiflight, SIOC, Spacedesk. The main aspect I hope to be able to manage is to create 2 profiles in order to switch from default A320 Neo to FBW A320 with only simple actions (ideally only selecting one or the other, but for sure I'll have to reload a SIOC and probably a MobiFlight configuration) I will also try to join the requests to ASOBO for the accessibility of B: and F: variables or "input events".
  12. Yes, I read it and understood that it was not yet possible to handle these vars... Fortunately at least terrain display is Ok. Regarding the resolution of the image, I took it at 2560x1080 and didn't scale it down, if I click on it and use the "+" on magnifier glass it is shown at full resolution, unless it is compressed during transmission to the forum. Sorry.
  13. And here is the translation... pretty lapidary... "Question 2: According to the log, this is a BVar (>B:AIRLINER_LS_Toggle) As far as I know, BVars are currently not usable."
  14. This is the page were I found "(>B:AIRLINER_LS_Toggle)" https://www.mobiflight.com/forum/message/25041.html
  15. Hi John you were right, of course! variable L:BTN_TERRONND_ACTIVE was displayed in the list but I missed it. This is solved and works. Coming to the variable AIRLINER_LS_Toggle I tested with 1 (>K:AIRLINER_LS_On) but it didn't work I enclose a screenshot of the Behavior panel in developer mode with the variables highlighted and pinned. Searching on the net I found this reference to "(>B:AIRLINER_LS_Toggle)" but I can't speak deutsch so I cannot understand what they say It's a pity because all the efis controls are listed under the tab "airliner" in MSFS/Behavior/Events page.
  16. If it is an event it was not tracked by the events in console, i pressed repeatedly the button in the VC but nothing was displayed under the console. Are the B and F type currently traceable somehow ?
  17. I meant also with Mobiflight of course.
  18. Hi John, the variable L:BTN_TERRONND_ACTIVE was not displayed in LVAR list, does the list include ALL the LVARS used by the plane or only those already known ? I can't remember having seen it, and I added succesfully in the .ini file, after that it worked perfectly but maybe I missed it in the list. Seems to be a general use LVAR so could be interesting to add if a basic list is created. Also AIRLINER_LS_On seems to be a generic airliner event (if it is an event) - I couldn't test it yesterday (was too late in Italy) but I'll do that this evening. Things are looking promising! With this procedure I hope to find more specific controls for the FCU, even if HDG, SPD ALT and VS SLOT functions are working (but only with the default A320 unfortunately). Next step will be to activate more EFIS buttons (Constraint, waypoints, airports), I've also found an interesting tutorial for a complete CDU keyboard with a simpe Arduino Micro and Fsuipc!
  19. WoW!!! I'll install and try! In the meanwhile, I made some progresses... I searched under (MSFS folder)\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore\asobo-vcockpits-instruments-a320-neo\html_ui\Pages\VCockpit\Instruments\Airliners\A320_Neo\MFD\A320_Neo_MFD.js and found this LVAR L:BTN_TERRONND_ACTIVE that I tested successfully adding it in FSUIPC7.ini I couldn't find a var for the PFD LS display mode, and so went on DEVELOPER MODE/BEHAVIOR --> A320_Neo --> interior events page was empty but hitting "Quick Reload" after some seconds it was populated by a lot of tags, selecting AIRLINER I found AIRLINER_LS_On and using the parameter 1 and 0 and hitting "Execute" the LS was activated and deactivated. GOOD! So I tested it as an LVAR setting it in FSUIPC 0 or 1 but didn't work. Probably it's not an LVAR, cannot even be an HVAR since it has a parameter... so this procedure seems to be very useful to find out internal variables (or events, like AIRLINER_LS_Toggle) but I must understand how to use these vars! Maybe they are A: vars. Now I will test the new version and will report the results, thanks John!
  20. That would be wonderful!
  21. Hi John, I will do more testing with 3110, I hope to get it working. Regarding A320_Neo IMHO is very confusing that some (many) of the FBW HVARS have the name A320_Neo_somewhat, instead of A32NX, I mean something different from A320_Neo. as you suggested I'll probably end up to convert my cockpit for the FBW, but at the moment I have all working (almost 90%) fine with A320_Neo, the FCU works very well with SLOT values 1 and 2 and all controls are fully operative, but almost none of them works with the FBW, even the throttles needs totally different calibration, parking brake, speedbrake, EFIS, all require reprogramming the code with new HVARS and LVARS, but now I know how to do that. Before giving up I'll try to catch the HVARS or LVARS used by A320_Neo with the MSFS developer mode "behavior display", there is an interesting video about this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKBjEl9E5A4 it's referred to MobiFlight but I need to transfer the variables to offsets and use or activate them via SIOC-FSUIPC and maybe LUA. I'm writing all this to share my experience with other simmers, sorry to take up your time but these new functions available through WASM and LVAR/HVAR handling are so powerful that I think is useful to share any possible achievement or working example. Thanks for your extraordinary work.
  22. New update The HVARS I was trying to activate with Asobo A320 don't work (as John suggested) but they work with FBW A320, current stable version. Once selected the FBW 320 (and after having studied the updated manual - that I was unaware was installed under "users\massimo\mydocuments") I managed to activate properly some HVARS in different ways : macro file (.mcro) [Macros] 1=H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1=Set 2=H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_TERRONND_1=Set 3=H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_CSTR_1=Set 4=H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_WPT_1=Set 5=H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_VORD_1=Set 6=H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_NDB_1=Set 7=H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_ARPT_1=Set Via calculator code (>H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1) and finally via SIOC using a button on my MCP, changing the state of a custom offset (0xA010) read by a LUA basic code function update_switches() test_BTN = ipc.readUB(0xA010) if (test_BTN == 1) then ipc.activateHvar("H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1") end end -- update_switches event.timer(200,"update_switches") This worked, but I have multiple change of state of the HVAR, I must set a flag to avoid this, not difficult. The only thing I couldn't make to work was the Var 0001 name FS_CONTROL Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3110 Length 4 using the value 262144 that should have activated the HVAR in myevents.txt A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_LS_1#(>H:A320_Neo_MFD_BTN_LS_1) I will do more testing on this part because it would be much more direct and does not require lua code. So, now almost all seems to make sense, I only wonder how to find the LVARs or HVARS that control the EFIS and FCU in Asobo A320_Neo...
  23. Oh Thanks!!! Maybe I simply installed fsuipc without selecting docs, I can't remember having seen that option. I'll study the new manual before bothering you again, I promise. Thanks for your support, I love LVARS they work like a charm, but at the moment I HATE HVARS... but it's my fault. YES I forgot to activate logging of buttons. Now I see the HVAR being called by the button, but doesn't trigger the LS, I must study the aircraft logic. Thanks again
  24. Hi John, thanks for your patience and sorry for my confusing (and confused) post. I try to clarify my doubts "Did you restart FSUIPC7? Presets are only loaded on start-up. " Of course I did, my preset is visible listing HVARS, and there is also the same HVAR I created a preset for, but as you said I can use my own preset, this does not harm, but if the HVAR is already present is useless to create a custom one. When I wrote "I tested both", I mean my own preset, and the existing one (H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1). Assigning this HVAR to a button does not trigger any effect. If I simply "activate" the HVAR nothing happens. I expect the LS button to light up and the LS reticle to appear in the PFD, but this doesn't happen. Given that I created the custom preset PFD_LS# (>H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1), this should be assigned the value 40001, so in SIOC code I tested these lines : Var 0001 name FS_CONTROL Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3110 Length 4 Var 0002 name FS_PAR Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3114 Length 4 Var 0154, name I_PFD_LS, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 34 { IF &I_PFD_LS = 1 { &FS_PAR = 1 // Is this required ? Probably not &FS_CONTROL = 40001 &FS_CONTROL = DELAY 0 10 } } This should trigger LS display ON/OFF but doesn't work. I will test also 262145 (&FS_CONTROL = 262145) since I'm not sure it is a HEX or DEC required. Coming to the calculator, you say I have to input simply "(>H:A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1)" right ? This should trigger the LS function on/off ? Or just activate the HVAR ? I'm sorry to ask all these questions, but I just installed the new release of FSUIPC and under the documents I find FSUIPC7 for Advanced Users.pdf 8/1/2021 but at page 45 there is nothing about this, it just talks about joysticks, no WASM section at all, where can I find the updated guide ??? Thanks, I owe you a dozen beers, I know...!
  25. BIG update! I removed completely the MobiFlight Wasm module from community folder and removed all the FSUIPC assignments to yoke axis and throttle levers (all analog axis I have) and assigned them directly to MSFS. The result is... 3 hours of intensive flight activities, FSUIPC, SIOC and Mobiflight real-time configurations and reload, CDU managed flights, all sort of test and NOT A SINGLE CTD... never happened before! I also used Spacedesk to display the popup gauges on a secondary PC with only a little framerate drop. All flights were performed with FSUIPC standard and custom offsets activated by Mobiflight (Arduino) or SIOC (Opencockpits devices) including the 2 LVARS that I inserted in FSUIPC.ini that worked perfectly. Seems that something caused conflicts or trouble between FSUIPC, MF and MSFS, but now all seems to work consistently. I need some further help with HVARS (see my previous post) I can't manage to assign them or to see them operating) especially for EFIS and FCU managed modes (I had some success with SLOT offsets, even not completely solved by now). Handling LVARS and HVARS would allow to control almost every function of the specific plane, but what will happen when I fly with another plane ?
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