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    Victoria BC Canada

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  1. Problem solved. I installed CH Control Manager and performed a FSUIPC log check. I appreciate the console option. The button showing as 2, 16, 17 and 18 registered as button 2 with multiple presses. Now the pause toggle works with one press where it previously took three presses. It would appear that the Windows 10 generic drivers cause issues with FSUIPC. I used to run Control Manager but it prevented my computer from going to sleep. Since then, there was a major Windows 10 update that may have resolved this. If not, I will use the sim to program that button. Thank you for your insight Pete and I appreciate your advice on how to allow a button to perform multiple tasks. Barry
  2. I attached the button log. As far as I know, the button should only have one function as the others do. I tested this by attempting to put functions into 17 and 18 but FSUIPC ignored them. It only let me use the function I programmed into button 16. I could do more testing on another OS using the CH Products applet to ensure that the button is only meant to perform one function at a time. I could also install FSUIPC on another OS to see if the behaviour is replicated. Barry Cameron Button Log.txt
  3. I'm running windows 10, FSUIPC 4.949p, P3D 3.2 and FSXSE. One button on my flightstick registers 3 button numbers in FSUIPC when I attempt to give it a function under Buttons and Keys. First press registers button 16 second press button 17, 3d press button 18. I give button 16 a function such as pause but have to press it 2 times for it to pause the sim. I tried giving 17 and 18 functions but they don't work in the sim. Only one function works, requiring 2 or 3 presses. I disabled controllers in sim, regenerated a new FSUIPC ini. Same behaviour. I tested the button by giving it a function in sim settings. It works normally. I'm using the CH Pro Throttle, Throttle Quadrant and pedals. FSUIPC only assigns 1 button number to each button on all devices with buttons except for the above-mentioned. Any ideas?
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