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Everything posted by FatherDane

  1. Thank you for the wonderful response - I will indeed look into that file you mentioned and try it out. As to the rest of the functions of the EFIS and MCP - everything works really well. OCP4NGX is a software driver that interfaces the Open Cockpits B737 hardware modules on one side and with the PMDG B737 SDK on the other side. See http://flightsim4fun.com/oc4bav3.html for more info. All the button and knobs are fully functional, and since I added Active Sky Next, the WXR button is right on. I am so impressed with this bit of kit as it does make for a more realistic overall experience and the cost didn't bust my pension either! For the main instrument panel I am using two touch screen monitors and with NGX's 2D panels, I can programme the FMC and with a single touch on the ATC screen respond to all ATC messages. I have a third touch screen monitor for the forward overhead to complete the ensemble - not as good as having proper knobs to twiddle with, but not bad overall. I will give your instructions a go tomorrow and let you know if it worked in case someone else has the same issue. The Open Cockpit modules are generally affordable and I imagine there are others "out there" who may have the same issue, so this is a great way to pass on the wisdom. Many thanks
  2. Sorry - I now realise that I wasn't clear about the rest of the setup. I am using P3D v3.1 on a Windows 10 (64 Bit) platform and the simulator version is PMDG 737NGX. The EFIS is from Open Cockpits (along with an MCP I got for Christmas) and the drivers are provided by OC4BA (rksoftware) by Roar Kristensen which was specifically written for these two P&P models and for PMDG 737NGX. The EFIS has the one drawback of not having a TFC button whereas everything else works just as it should, which is why I first contacted PMDG about and they referred me to you since it was through the FSUIPC that I am hoping to make a connection with a spare button on my yoke. I can always use the mouse to activate it, but given that I have such good kit, it would be a shame. So, is there anything you can think of that would get this to work, please?
  3. I have an external EFIS attached to my system. However, it does not have TFC button capability. I would like to activate this feature through FSUIPC to a spare button on my yoke. However, there are so many entries available in the FSUIPC dropdown list that I am confused as to which one I should link the button to. Can you assist me please? Many thanks
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