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  1. Hey Rick, Did the same thing too with my FSX. Got really mad and tried everything on the internet. :mrgreen: Pete, Thanks again for your support.
  2. FSX PFC C2 console (USB) FSUIPC4( 4.949h) PFCHID (1.41) That's correct. Everything is functional with X-plane 9 (version 9.7). Thanks,
  3. FSX PFC C2 console (USB) FSUIPC4(Latest version ) PFCHID (latest version) Got most of the devices to work with FSX, but I can't get the following encoders to work 1. DG (DGencode) 2. attitude (AttitudeRef) 3. OBS 2 I was able to see all the encoders in questions using the console log.
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