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  1. After disabling FSUIPC, sim started normally. Fenix and FSLTL worked fine. GSX stayed a load screen. Started FSUIPC manually. No changes. Not sure what the problem is with GSX,
  2. I disabled the auto start in the exe.eml. Remembered the hidden files after I posted.
  3. Quick question, where can I find out if FSUIPC is running? It doesn't show in Task Manager.
  4. I can try that. Will let you know.
  5. No, things are working with the addition to the .ini. Still wondering about GSX. Others have said the update affect it and their forum pointed me at it.
  6. Do you use GSX Pro? Any problems with the FSUIPC update?
  7. I've attached log. GSX loading screen just keeps spinning. I asked at the GSX forum and they pointed to the FSUIPC problem. FSUIPC7.log
  8. Added the lines and Fenix and FSLTL seem to be working fine. My GSX Pro isn't. Is there a connection between FSUIPC and GSX that might cause a problem?
  9. Will there be an updated version any time soon?
  10. Just to clarify for older and slower minds; Download the .11a file. Run the .exe and then replace the .ini file with the one provided and add the two lines?
  11. OK> Thanks again.
  12. Found it, thanks. One further question, if I may, the add on i'm installing asks that the WASM module is enabled (I presume it is) and that there this is present [WAPI] EnableWAPI=Yes. Where should that be?
  13. I've installed the latest FSUIPC7 v.7.3.11. Is the WASM module installed with it? If so, I can't find it in the FSUIPC8.ini file. Do I need to download it separately. If so, do I just add the three . zip files to the installation folder or do they need to be unzipped into it?
  14. Wouldn't it have been easier to say it that way in the instructions? No need to answer.
  15. In other words, 7 doesn't work for P3d. Leave 6 alone where it is. Only start 7 when I use MSFS?
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