Hello Pete,
I have been using my registered version of FSUIPC4 (v4.955) very successfully with Win 7/64, FSX-SP2, PMDG-737NGX and the following hardware:
CH Eclipse Yoke
Thrustmaster Rudder Pedals
FSXThrottle Pro Tek 737 Quadrant
I recently created a fresh install of Win 7/64 on a second SDD with Prepar3D (v3.4.22), PMDG 737NGX (new license for P3D) and the same hardware. This install features FSUIPC (v4.966c).
After "disabling controllers" and deleting all axis assignments in P3D I have successfully assigned the yoke and rudder pedals in FSUIPC. However, I get no response when I try to assign the throttle quadrant. The same is true for buttons & switches; I get no data when I scan and move the quadrant axes / buttons. All three devices are registered in the FSUIPC.ini file (attached) and all three can be assigned and calibrated within P3D if I enable the controllers for troubleshooting purposes only. I have used the JoyId utility to swap all of the axes to different ID's and back again without effect. I have run the HID Scanner (log attached) but it looks okay to me. I have spent several days over the past 2 weeks poring through the forum for a solution without success so I hope you can tell me what is wrong.
I have attached a log coverering the following actions:
Start Prepar3D > start a scenario > Open FSUIPC > assign ailerons > assign elevator > assign rudder > assign left brake > assign right brake > close FSUIPC & save assignments > move all of the assigned axes > open FSUIPC > try to assign quadrant axes without seeing any input > close FSUIPC > move quadrant axes > move aileron axis again > close Prepar3D.
Many thanks in advance,
FSUIPC Files.zip