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Alternating loss of eyboard, Go-flight MCP & Other equip

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Hello, newbie here with a newbie question,

I know that Pete is on vacation now, but I'm hoping someone out there can help explain to me what I may be doing wrong.

I programmed my Go-Flight MCP with the registered FSUIP and now find that when flying my PMDG 737 I loose my keyboard for a short period of time. After it comes back, then I loose control of my other go flight equipment and isn’t running as configured in the Go-flight assignment program. Is it that I'm asking for to much to be coordinated between the keyboard, Go-flight input and then FSUIP control input for the MCP? :shock:

Any insight would be greatly appreciated,

James Twomey


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Hi James,

I did not really understand what you meant by "loosing my keyboard".

The mapping has to be done in two steps:

1. Map the keys with the MPDG menu in FS

2. Map the buttons according to the key mapping done in 1

It is long and boring but the result is worth it :-)

After you did that, everything should work fine. The keyboard shorcuts work fine, they are simply called by the GoFlight component (MCP, RP48...)

Good luck


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Hi Oliver,

Thanks for a response. I guess I failed to identify what was happening correctly. I have done those set up procedures you called for. The flight always starts out well with everything working. However, about two thirds of the way into the flight, I loose my keyboard. About a couple of minutes later, I get my keyboard back but then my Go-flight buttons don’t function as programmed. Some will stop functioning; others will activate things not even programmed. Example is rotary dial for my heading will all of a sudden start turning on and off the virtual cockpit mode. Then about ten minutes of that, everything starts working just fine again.

Do I have too many inputs? IE keyboard, Go-flight programmed for Non-MCP components and FUSIP (controlling the MCP) :?

I really hope that I better explained myself and any help would be greatly appreciated. And thanks for reply.


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Here is what we can try :

I can send you the ini file that controls the key mapping of the 737 and the section of the fsuipc.ini that has to do with the 737 and the MCP.

You can try it out.

Contact me by mail and we can arrange something.

I have 12 GoFlight component on the same USB of my PC, and everything works fine.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you guys for responding,

First sorry for not writting back sooner, I was at sea for a while. However, I did look into the USB and found the power managment turned on. I turned it off and have so far had no problems. I would have never thought that to be the problem, so thank you again.

Best Reguards,


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