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I am trying to get my IpaQ 5400 working with gpsout and pocketfms with no success at all. Here is what I did:

Downloaded the latest gpsout utility and placed the dll and .ini files in the module folder of FS2002. I modified the .ini file with the following:





Speed=57600 (I tried other speeds as well)

I configured my PDA version of pfms to match (i.e, GPS on COM 2 & 57600 Baud)

The PDA comes with a serial and USB cable so I didn’t need to modify or buy new serial cable. PDA is connected and verified on COM2 of the PC running FS.

I started the FS (even selected GPS on FS, not sure if it makes any difference), enables the GPS on the PFMS. I would expect at this point the GPS information flowing to the PDA. Unfortunately this is not the case!

I tried it with activesynch on the same COM port, different COM port and even with activesynch disabled. Same results :cry:

Can anyone please help?



BTW – It run flawlessly with a BT-GPS using bluetooth connection.

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