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can anyone help me with this?

For some time now I have noticed that, seemingly intermittently, my aircraft (all of them, as far as I can tell) sometimes adjust their trim by themselves. This is while on the ground....no autopilot...

I am not touching the trim buttons...and I can watch the trim get further and further "nose up" ! It adjusts it every few seconds or so. Up a notch. Then a bit later, up another.

If I have notnoticed this, it makes takeoff rather spectacular :-) But it is now causing me greast distress as when I try to fly the heavies, the autopilot disengages straight away as soon as the trim adjusts itself :-(

Any ideas?

Can FSUIPC help me????

thanks! Its driving me to distraciton!!!

John L


OK....I tracked the problem down to a faulty button in my flight yoke! It was sending a "trim up" command every second or so :-/ I turned off that button and all is fine. Except that now I don't have a trim button :-(

Anyway....its fixed.

Thought I would pass this one because I have asked many people over the last year if they kenw how this could happen....now we do :-)


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