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I'm looking to use widefs to check into what various instruments should be displaying.

I've not yet quite discovered the right documentation to read up about this.

Are all instruments "numbers" available?

If anyone can point me to which are the right docs for this task I'd really appreciate it.



Oh yes, thank you. I got that one and the FS-interogate in it does work fine, but I want to make a sort of "panel" for a more graphical output.

I'm not a coder and I am looking for one of those. I am a model maker and have built about half of a plausible panel as such, with a fair number of instruments. I now need the help of a coder to actually interface this and one who know's a bit about 3d, enough to load and actuate a ready made DirectX model anyway!

I am just doing the leg work so they know what SDKs to readup and to see if I can ease their path in doing that for them.

If you are reading this and you might be the boy for the job, then do drop me a PM by all means. :lol:

This one is different as it's built with regard to what is actually possible within a 3d model makers toolset, and a system has been developed which makes animating it pretty simple. Limited DirectX tests have been of a most encouraging nature. I'm calling this project, The Other Panel as a working title. You can e-mail me about it at "the_other_panel_@_googlemail_com" too if you'd like (underscores to dots).

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