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Hi Pete.

I was wondering if you would pass some information on to Simmarket for me.

Due to a problem with MyTraffic I asked simmarket for a refund.After 23 post on their forum.They admitted because I had FSUIPC installed on fsx It was creating a problem that they could not fix.They got me a refund from simmarket and told them I was causeing trouble so now simmarket will not deal with me.

Please find enclosed the second page of MyTraffic support forum The item that matters is the last post on the page.My traffic as removed the post from their forum but I kept them and it is not right to blame someone else for their mistakes,I will understand If you dont want to get involved but there is no way I can contact Simmarket now.

Best regards

Rex Houldershaw

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Hi Rex

I checked your post both in the My Traffic Forum and also in the Avsim Forum and responded to you in those forum's.

I believe your problem like mine was that we are not puter literate and had problems in understanding the three steps you have to do in order to have My Traffic 2006 work properly with FSX.

With the support from Burkhard, and Husain after several days I did get My Traffic working as advertised.

I believe you wanted a refund from Simmarket and it appears this is what you got.

I do not remember anyone indicating that FSUIPC was the cause of your problems.

Good luck with your future add-ons.

Kenny G.

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