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I am really frustrated and hope you can point me in the right direction. I have recently (9/9/07) purchased both fsuipc and fswide. When I received my invoice from simMarket the keys were listed. I entered all information exactly as instructed. When I clicked OK I was thanked for registering my software and told that I would have to restart FSX for it to take effect. I hit confirm and closed FSX. I reopened the program and went to the add-on tab, opened fsuipc and was met with a the standard front page that said that this was NOT a registered copy.... I tried it all over again, several times, reinstalled fsuip, I am running FSX on Vista, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Karl Grundmann


As you are running FSUIPC4 under FSX on Vista, have you made sure that you are running both the FSUIPC installer and FSX as an administrator level application? If not, Vista may not be allowing the installer or FSX to write the necessary information in the configuration files.

See the FSUIPC4 User Guide under Installation for more details.


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