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Help Please (Aircraft Specific)

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I managed to create an (Aircraft Specific) assignment for two engine prop planes without too many problems but when I tried to create another Aircraft specific assignment for single engine planes that is when the problems started.I loaded a single engine plane in FSX clicked on FSUIPC went to axis assignments clicked on aircraft specific,a box opens at the top and asks (DO YOU WANT CHANGES SO FAR TO BE SAVED FIRST) WHAT changes i just started?answered yes Then it asks (DO YOU WANT TO APPLY THE GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS TO THIS AIRCRAFT) again I said Yes.

I did all my Axis Assignments, every thing went normal numbers changing from - to +,then I went to Joystick Calibration,this is where the problem starts, Toe brakes Right and Left,Rudder,Ailerons and Elevator do nothing when I click on set also no numbers show at all when you move that axis.

The bad part of this is that the first assignment I made for the two engine planes is doing the same thing which means I can not fly.

Maybe I forgot to click aircraft specific when I first went to Joystick Calibration I do not know if that would do it,guess I will have to start from scratch by deleting all the aircraft specific info in the INI file??

Thanks in advance for any Help

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I had to Delete FSUIPC to solve the problem.

I had no trouble with any of the axis in Axis assignments but those axis I mentioned above were unable to be calibrated in the Joystick Calibration window.

I have no General assignments only one Aircraft Specific at the moment could someone please explain what my responses to the pop up questions should be that come up when I go to add another Aircraft Specific assignment.

I have worked and read about this all week long and really do not want to have to reinstall again.

Thanks for any help

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Plane 1

You may need to check if you have the same assigments ie brake, rudder pedals in FS. PeteD: "Before making assignments in FSUIPC you should ensure that they are note being assigned in FS itself" (read P34 FSUIPC4 manual)

You said "DO YOU WANT TO APPLY THE GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS TO THIS AIRCRAFT" - see p36 of the FSUIPC4 manual PeteD explains it very well.

You said, "DO YOU WANT CHANGES SO FAR TO BE SAVED FIRST" see p 36 of the FSUIPC4 manual Peted recommends yes for this.

For calibration issues pp39++ explain it extremely well.

Hope this helps


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Thanks for the reply

I have disabled the FSX assignment area and I am using FSUIPC for all joystick assignments so that was not the problem.I check FSX often to make sure it is still disabled.

I do not really care if I have to start all new specific aircraft assignment from scratch I just do not want the new ones to affect my existing ones.

I will check those pages you mention and hope it does not happen again.


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