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I don't have AES. Are there any option in FSUIPC utilize REX weather or FSX Weather engine through FsCaptain dispatcher?



I'm sorry, your question still doesn't make sense! :unsure:

AES, to my knowledge, is Airport Enhancement Services - a package that adds "life" to add-on airports and has nothing to do with the weather.

According to the manual for FS Captain which I just looked at on their website;

The second step is usually to retrieve weather information and apply it to the planning. Use the

“Get Weather” button above to download weather information from the Jeppeson online weather

website, or the NOAA US government web site if the Jeppeson site doesn't respond. This data

usually contains all the major airports from around the world, but currently the winds aloft

forecast is only for the continental US and Alaska. If valid winds aloft data could be found for your

flight route the data items “wind direction/speed/temp” will be updated automatically, if not they

will remain blank. If they remain blank you will need to enter them yourself to have the wind

factored into the ETE and fuel calculations (temperature is optional and if omitted the standard

temperature is assumed.) Ideally, you should enter wind data for both your departure and

destination airports, but if either is omitted they are assumed to be the same.

(Emphasis mine)

In other words, the weather that you see in FS Captain is downloaded from the Jeppesen website - the same as FS does if you ask for "real weather" - and it does not come from a source inside the simulator at all.

FSUIPC does not allow any changes to where FS Captain gets its weather from - it is not a program designed to do that - so the answer to your question is "no".

However, as FSCaptain's "Get Weather" button downloads it from the same source that FSX uses itself, you are already using the FSX weather engine, effectively, if you use FSCaptain's internal facility.

Ian P.


"I'm sorry, your question still doesn't make sense!

AES, to my knowledge, is Airport Enhancement Services - a package that adds "life" to add-on airports and has nothing to do with the weather."

You are absolutely right, I should write AES not ASE. :oops:

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