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Hi all, hope some one out there can help me now when Pete is on holliday.


I have encountered a problem trying to launch SerialFP2 from FSUIPC4.ini under Windows 7. It worked well under Windows XP and there is no problem starting SerialFP2 maually by clicking on the icon.


I have inserted the following line in the end of FSUIPC4.ini:



Run1= Ready, Close, C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe  


and get the following message:


'FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe" [Error=267]'





Here is an example from my FSUIPC4.ini


RunIf1=E:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe
//RunIf2=Ready,Close,E:\Program Files (x86)\FS Real Time\FSRealTime.exe
//RunIf3=C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\AS2012\AS2012_Exec.exe
//RunIf4=Close,C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe
RunIf5=Ready,Kill,C:\Program Files (x86)\AivlaSoft\EFB\AivlaSoft.Efb.DataProvider.exe
RunIf6=Ready,Kill,C:\Program Files (x86)\AivlaSoft\EFB\AivlaSoft.Efb.DisplayUnit.exe
RunIf7=Ready,Close,C:\Program Files (x86)\FS Flight Keeper\FSFK.exe
RunIf8=Close,C:\Aerosoft\Professional Flight Planner X\PFPX.exe


Looking at your example you have spaces where there shouldn't be any, perhaps that is what is causing your error.


The lines in my example that begin with // just mean that line is disabled/ignored, its called commenting, or commenting out.


Thank you Andy, It worked!


Do you know by the way, where I can find the script code syntax that is used in FSUIPC4.ini. and/or the code used in FSX's .cfg



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