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Does some of you have hear or know how to use an old radio stack (taken from an AST-300 hawk simulator) with FSX?.

I purchase a full radio stack from eBay…The seller indicates that those modules (NAV/COM radios-ADF-DME-Transponder) are not FSX or X-Plane plug & play…That is completely understanding for me and I know that many modules require manual configuration with FSUIPC and others…But the problem is…That AST has their own proprietary Flight Simulator Software and never was used with FS9 or FSX or X-Planes. I knew that after a hard research…And I think that I was tricked by this seller…

I spend a lot of money and I will try to save this investment…Please if some of you can help me I will really appreciate it.


Best regards

Alejandro Cornejo U.


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