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[SOLVED] Failed to obtain SIM1 Frictions access: no frictions facilities available!

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Hi All,
Hi Pete,

I have a big problem.

With P3D v2.5 launched with a "fake" Prepar3D.exe (Fsx.exe) order to operate FSCopilot \ FSInn in P3D v2.5.
FSInn works well.


I had installed FSUIPC 4.939m and since I have the following error :

FSUIPC is not in the "AddOn" tab in P3D v2.5 so it is not loaded.

Here is the log:
********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.939m by Pete Dowson *********
Reading options from "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Lockheed Martin \ Prepar3D v2 \ Modules \ FSUIPC4.ini"
FSX is running inside Windows 7
Module base = 268D0000
User Addr = "xxxx@xxx.fr"
FSUIPC4 Key is Provided
WideFS7 Key is Provided
System 437 time = 04/29/2015 1:44:53 p.m.
437 FLT UNC path = "\\ MYPC \ My Documents \ v2 Prepar3D Files \"
500 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc / SP2 ... Oct07
531 FS UNC path = "\\ MYPC \ Prepar3D v2.5 \"
843 LogOptions = 00000000 00000001
843 Failed to find CONTROLS timer memory location!
843 ### Failed to access obtenir SIM1 Frictions: no frictions facilities available!
843 Reason 6: SIM1 base = 563F0000
843 FrictionAddr = 563F2870 contains CCCC0004
843 = BrakingAddr 563F3B30 contains A0EC8150
843 Hook Error: no DOS signatures for SIM1.dll
843 Hook Error: no DOS signatures for VISUALFX.dll
************************************************** **************************************

An idea of ​​the problem?


Thank you for your welcome contributions,


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Hi all,


The problem is solved. ;-))
I have now in Addon Tab "FSUIPC"!

He just put "Migration Tool" on enable.

And after launch "Prepar3d.exe" (the real, in the rep P3D)

Now, I have in memory :
"Prepar3D.exe * 32"
"FSX.exe * 32" (in repertory C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Flightsim Estonia \ Migration Tool)

And there, so I FSInn who works flawless
and FSUIPC and other addons.

It's all right, if that can helps ...


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