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ERJ v2 Advisory VNAV


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Ok I know that the ERJ does not have commanded VNAV, advisory only.  I flown lots of addons that are like that.  But all of them had a page that kept a real time measurement of how many Feet Per Minute are needed in order to make the next altitude restriction.


Now on page 2 of the PROG section (during flight) I see where it counts down to the top of the descent, and also where it says "FPM needed at TOD".  This number seem to be static however, once the TOD is reached and the descent is started it still will read the same number.


I know that the magenta arrow is a real time descent measurement, but that thing is squirrely, at least on my PC.


So I'd like to know if there is somewhere on the FMC that gives a real time measurement of the actual vertical speed needed to make the next altitude restriction.




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