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I've been searching but can't find a way to do this so thought I would ask if any one had tried and succeeded:-


I want to use FSX to send GPS coordinates to my iPad app Jeppesen JeppFD.


I have done the following to try and get it working:-



On My PC


1. Created a virtual COM in Windows 7 using my bluetooth adapter - COM5

2. Opened FSX, FSUIPC, GPSOut & set it to send GPS to COM5 (all options ticked - for now anyway)



On My iPad


1. My iPad is JB so I can install BTstack GPS ( BTstack is a more flexible bluetooth stack for the iPad)

2. Open BTStack GPS and it finds my PC

3. Connect to my PC and it takes me to a map and shows my planes location - proved the FSX > BT GPS is working!!!

4. Load JeppFD but the GPS simply finds where my iPad is - it seems to be using the internal GPS rather than the bluetooth one I have just connected to.


Any ideas how to get this working and force JeppFD to select my other GPS device and prevent it using the internal one???


Someone must have done it?!?  fingers crossed you have..



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