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Hello all


My rudder axis on my Saitek X52 is doing peculiar things?


I know that the the X52 rudder potentiometer has a history of failing but here is the weird thing:


When I try to calibrate in FSUIPC it seems as if it has no home position detected and displays itself as having full left rudder on the aircraft. Immediately makes you think that the pot is bad?


However, when I go to game controller settings in Windows devices, the axis moves left and right normally in the calibration screen?!


It also stops in the home position as it should. From here it indicates that the potentiometer is working normally?


As soon as I open FSX, though, I get full left deflection again and FSUIPC sees it as stuck in that position also?


I can turn it the other way and get full deflection in the other direction but as soon as I let it go, it goes full left again?


Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you



OK, I managed to get it working again?


Here is what I did:


After doing all the usual things, like testing it and calibrating in device manager many times and eliminating all possible conflicts with other/duplicate assignments, I calibrated it right from FSX itself!


Bear in mind that I was unable to calibrate this axis from within FSUIPC itself and I also had told FSX not to enable controllers too?


Anyway, After doing the calibration from within FSX options, it started to work normally? So, it looks like FSX itself must have been preventing FSUIPC from doing it's own calibration thing??


(I was this close to pulling the pot out of the unit itself to try to repair it)


Thanks all

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