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Mouse Wheel & Mouse View

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Firstly, apologies for asking a question that has been asked many times before. Whilst I have had registered FSUIPC for many years, I have only recently begun to use and appreciate it, but admittedly I struggle with the interface and settings. Presently, I have V4.949 installed under FSX:SE under Windows 10.


I have searched for relevant topics and materials, including the FSUIPC guide, and I have found much to read, yet I am still unable to operate "Mouseview" using FSUIPC (or even in FSX settings and commands). 


I realise that FSUIPC has support for this function, but I cannot implement it, and I think the basis of my problem is that FSUIPC does not register a button press whenever I press the middle mouse button. However, FSX sees a "Button 3" when I press the same middle mouse button in FSX settings.


I'm really looking for a complete "how to" guide in operating Mouseview, such that I can press and hold the middle button, and then pan around the VC (pan not move), and zoom using the wheel also whilst the button is held. Actually, I'm trying to replicate what X-Plane does from the box (except it's the right mouse button rather than the centre mouse button).


I hope that you do not think that I was asking before investigating and trying, as I have tried to get this right before asking.


With Best Wishes,


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