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mousemove.lua - move mouse to upper window edge of FSX if the mouse is not used


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-- Copyright 2016 Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas@jtah.de>
-- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
-- are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
-- notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
-- without any warranty.

-- Move mouse to upper window edge of FSX window mouse is not used.
-- Workaround for a performance issue when the mouse pointer is
-- inside the FSX window.
-- This script requires a registered copy of FSUIPC 4.949f or newer.
-- Install inside the FSUIPC modules directory:
-- 1. save this file as FSX/Modules/lua/mousemove.lua
-- 2. add ipc.runlua('lua\\movemouse') to FSX/Modules/ipcReady.lua

function mousemove_reset()
  mousemove_timeout = 3

function mousemove_timer()
  x, y = mouse.getpos()
  if x ~= mousemove_old_x or y ~= mousemove_old_y then
    mousemove_old_x = x
    mousemove_old_y = y
  elseif mousemove_timeout > 0 then
    mousemove_timeout = mousemove_timeout - 1
  elseif mousemove_timeout == 0 then
    mousemove_timeout = -1
    if ext.hasfocus() then
      mouse.move(25, 0, 2) -- left half of FS top edge

mousemove_old_x = nil
mousemove_old_y = nil
event.timer(1000, "mousemove_timer")

Same file as attachment for your convenience: movemouse.lua.txt

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