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in Europe the new 8.33 kHz frequency spacing has been introduced  and currently many of airplanes use 3 decimal places on the radio, but I can only get the value of the first two, and the value of the third is always  "0"
For example on the radio I have "118.725" but with FSUIPC Client I only get "118.720"
Is there any way to get the value of the third decimal place?

Thank you


but with FSUIPC Client I only get "118.720"

The full COM1 frequency is available at offset 0x05C4 in FSUIPC5 (see the documentation for the details).

Only 2 decimals are available in FSUIPC4 and earlier (0x034E).

If you are using my .NET Client DLL and using the FsFrequencyCOM helper class, this is only applicable to the older BCD offsets (e.g. 0x034E). Just use 0x05C4 instead by declaring a normal <int> offset.


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