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I am trying to set the position of the lighting knobs in the PMDG777 for MSFS2020. Unfortunately, nothing I do seems to work. I know it has something to do with the parameters I am sending, because the values change in our app when the 777 changes the values itself. EG: when loading a panel state. Here is an example from the master brightness knob. The other ones like circiut breaker, glare shield, overhead, and dome light are probably the same. The SDK states that the valid values are 0-100 for all of them. However, sending a left click, right click, mouse wheel up, mouse wheel down, left drag, or right drag don't change the values. What do I send for the parameters? I figured I would come here and ask because I am using your library. Here is what I have (C#) in dotnet 9.0.


FSUIPCConnection.SendControlToFS(PMDG_777X_Control.EVT_OH_MASTER_BRIGHT_ROTATE, ...);


I did, and it didn't work. I tried with a button click to increase it by 1 or 2, then I tried hooking up a keydown event in a textbox to see if that would work. Still doesn't work. These aren't the only 'knobs' I am having problems with either. The cargo temp panel in overhead maint has temp knobs. They are giving me the same problem. Sending any type of value fails unless the 777 directly changes it with a state load.


You can use the FSUIPC logging to log the controls being sent. You can make sure the numbers are what you expect.

Other than that, I can't suggest anything else unfortunately. I don't have any PMDG aircraft.

All my DLL does is send the controls and parameter value via FSUIPC. If it's not working you'll need to ask John or PMDG.


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