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FSUIPC error

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Hello, when I load fsx I have the follow problem ( see Image ). If I try to load the dll the fsx close else if I select No the fsx start correctly but without fsiuipc.

I have a registered copy of fsuipc, I tryed to uninstall and install again but the problem persist. This problem is occurred Yesterday also  also with P3D V2, today I run FSX and load PMDG737NGX flight and all was ok , after some time I closed fsx  (without save the flight ) and after some minute run again fsx and the problem appear.

What I have to do to fix this?





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It's a SimConnect trust bug, which was fixed in P3D but not FSX.

It only happens on some systems, and sometimes fixes itself after one try (say "yes" for it to continue and run), but sometimes takes several attempts. Once is runs okay once it stays okay -- until, at least, the next update. Then it may or may not happen again. Microsoft knew about this but couldn't fix it -- but it was a lot worse before the SP2/Accel update. They said it was a Windows problem, and the Windows folks said it was an FSX problem. So, stalemate.




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Ok Pete but the strange issue is that the problem occur also on P3D version ( V2 version ) and also if I selected many times "yes" the problem persist. This wasn't a big problem because I have V3.4 version and at the moment work ( also if I have  a bit scary now), but the use with FSX for me is important.

Today I tryed many times also with FSX without lucky. Is There (maybe) the option for the fsuipc dll to generate a log file to better understand  the cause and try to fix it?



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29 minutes ago, CPF_Paolo said:

Ok Pete but the strange issue is that the problem occur also on P3D version

If it occurs with P3D (then it is NOT the same thing. There will have been a crash and I'd need to see the Windows crash details and the FSUIPC4.LOG file, if one is produced.

30 minutes ago, CPF_Paolo said:

Today I tryed many times also with FSX without lucky. Is There (maybe) the option for the fsuipc dll to generate a log file to better understand  the cause and try to fix it?

If it is the trust bug, there's no log made because FSUIPC never runs.

If it is a crash then there will be crash details in Windows event viewer and maybe a log from FSUIPC4.

Note there can be other, registry or FSX.CFG [Trust] section reasons for the trust bug window appearing. There are threads about the registry fix in the FAQ subforum, and you can delete any FSUIPC entries in the FSX.CFG [Trust section.



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