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Getting Error Installing FSUIPC4

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I Recently Reinstalled P3D v3 on new computer. And I am now in the process of re-installing all the software I had. IE: Utilities, Airports, Aircrafts etc. 

I bought FSUIPC4 on SimMarket in 2013. So I redownloaded FSUIPC4 from my Order page at SimMarket. 

When I am running (as administrator) the Install FSUJIPC4.exe I am getting the following error.

"Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or fil. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acces the item."

I tried to move the Install file to the desktop with same result.

Any suggestions. Thanks.




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50 minutes ago, capbat said:

"Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or fil. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acces the item."

Sorry, I don't recognise this message. Did you run the Installer "as administrator" as instructed?

Can you describe what you are actually doing? And isn't there a Window showing the activities being undertaken? And see if there is an Install Log file. That would be more useful.



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