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I am just saying that you need to follow my advise and change your profile names to use substrings, otherwise your profiles won't work when you use aircraft with different liveries. For example, in the log file you attached, you used the aircraft 'PMDG 737-800 vRYR Ryanair EI-DCJ' which doesn't match any aircraft in your B737 PMDG profile and so the profile won't have been loaded and you will not have any of your PMDG assignments available. They are empty in the one you attached. If you have one where they are not empty then use that, otherwise you should delete them and re-assign. If you selected to install and it didn't, check the InstallFSUIPC7.log file for errors, and see the installation and registration guide on how to resolve any issues. Once the WASM is installed, your presets should work, but you will have lost your general assignments unless you can install them from backup.
Hi John a couple of things just to clarify the situation. 1. With 7.4.18 everything was working perfectly, and I have been using your software for a couple of years I believe. 2. I have tried to follow your instructions, really appreciated, so there's no need to say "if you don't follow my advise...". 3. The assignments got empty after I updated the config file following (or at least thinking to be following) your instructions. That's why I restored the previous file. 4. The log I shared is from the last flight that I made, a few minutes before sending you the logs. When I installed the 7.5.1 I checked that the WASM module was flagged. I will reinstall it again: should this fix the issue? All of my simulation software has always been installed on drive D, I did not change anything.
alex_977 joined the community
aditya8513 started following FSUIPC5 with PMDG 737 NGX Flapsproblems
yankeescouse joined the community
FSUIPC7.log Here is the log again, pretty much the entire flight was stuttery and laggy.
slackn started following Module FSlabs A320x & Fslabs-SL
Assigning events to an axis to allow calibration
Brian McCrary replied to Brian McCrary's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
Thanks for your reply. I am really not sure how it connects, although I did see this in the log file which might help: 10031 5684 AppKey="SVPEU7YI8USJ", Module="EliteFSX.DLL The EliteFSX.DLL is a DLL that comes with Elite's program and the Elite log, which says very little, does have this in it: 0.015: SimConnect opened. 0.015: Running in "KittyHawk", v11.0.282174.999 (SimConnect v11.0.62651.3). 0.219: Reading FSUIPC version... 0.250: FSUIPC version 0x7501 found. 0.250: Connection to FSUIPC successfully established So it appears it's able to connect somehow to FSUIPC but unfortunately after going through all of the little documentation I have on the driver, I can't find out much else. It only says to consult FSUIPC's SDK for additional information, but that's the only place it's mentioned in their entire "User Guide". I attached a ZIP with the log files from FSUIPC. Thanks again, I really appreciate it! - Yesterday
MakeRwys command line options
luis-fernandez replied to JoeFremont's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thank you, Down. It's a pitty! No one is willing to take the source of MakeRwys and update it for MSFS2024? Thanks! -
A320 Fenix Tiller Pedals Disconnect function not working properly
737Andi replied to 737Andi's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
This is how the script is working for me --》 I press the disconnect button on the tiller. The button goes down in the virtual cockpit. I keep it pressed and the button inside the virtual cockpit stays pressed in. When I release the hardware button the button inside the virtual cockpit goes up again. That was not possible without the myevents.txt file. So I'm happy 🙂 Thanks! -
txetxu joined the community
Mel Noonan joined the community
FSUIPC7.lo File after a flight with some FPS drops nearer the end
But you did not run FSUIPC afterwards. The version of the ini is 7.4.18, but the log reports 7.5.1. So this ini was not used by that log file. O need to see files from the same session. No, those changes could not affect MobiFlight in any way. You should make those changes as advised, and if you have issues report them and we can investigate. But if you don't follow my advise, I can't help you. Nothing was working in the aircraft you tried as all the assignments are empty: Not sure why that is, but you should remove those and re-assign. And for your PMDG / FBW / Fenix profiles, they all use presets and won't work as you have not installed the FSUIPC WASM module: If you selected to install the WASM and it wasn't installed, then check your installation log for errors. You cn try re-installing and install the WASM, and if any issues check the documentation or previously reported issues. There are various known issues that can prevent the WASM being installed. You may also have issues if you have installed FSUIPC under the Windows Program Files folder: ? If that is one you created then thats ok (it is not under c:\), but otherwise it could create issues.
- I have attached all the required files from my latest flight! I restored the old fsuipc.ini config (the one with all the liveries) because it messed up my control probably because the mobi reference is missing.
John Dowson started following FSUIPC DISAPPAER and Joystick Null Zone setting
Null zones are calibrated in FSUIPC's axis calibration pages. See the User guide. John
What do you mean by this? If you previously reported the same issue, you should use the same support topic. Is this the same issue reported here: If so, please continue there rather than starting a new topic for the same issue.... I will close/lock this shorty, unless this is a new issue... John
Fair enough, I was simply troubleshooting and multple people said since they didn't install the additional stuff, the issues disappear. Didn't work on my end either way. My bad on the file, I will attach it again once I have finished a flight and closed FSUIP7. Although, FSUIP7 sometimes doesn't show up in task manager. Yeah, I reported on the MSFS logging console in my previous message. The log doesn't appear to be generating lots of entries. Sometimes there is a burst of logs but not a consistent, fast entry of logs. I did try setting the threadaffinitymask but saw no difference.
shahie72 started following Joystick Null Zone setting
Hi Since i'm using fsuipc 7.5.1 for axis assignment and calibration of my sidestick, and not inside msfs2024, i can't find where i can set my null zone on the Fsuipc itself. Thank you.
It's not obviously clear from the SDK what the new (2024-native) livery structure should look like... But essentially liveries are now a child of the parent aircraft in 2024 VFS Child liveries don't have their own aircraft.cfg (and therefore no TITLE= line). Instead, they now have a livery.cfg that defines the parent aircraft (and engine-type relationship), with a [General] section where you can give a livery a name [Version] major = 1 minor = 0 [General] name="<Livery Name here>" So in 2024 native aircraft/liveries, TITLE returns the name of the parent aircraft only, and the new LIVERY NAME simvar exposes the name in [General] from the livery.cfg FS2020 aircraft and liveries that are "compatible" with 2024 (but are literal copy/pastes into the MS2024 community folder), still exhibit 2020 behaviour when it comes to TITLE, so aren't "problematic". But as developers slowly adopt the new 2024 livery packaging format, this will become more and more problematic to those of us who need livery info exposed. Thanks for the clarification around which SDK you're compiling against, and appreciate that FSUIPC serves both sims simultaneously at present. I'd have thought though, that any application that has historically relied upon livery detection would be interested in this feature potentially. As a VA we certainly have a requirement from an ACARS perspective, but appreciate this is probably the first your hearing of it. If this thread starts the ball rolling for others to chip in, awesome. If not, we'll have to potentially consider an in-house solution as you previously advised. TITLE has been around for donkey's years, has always served its purpose, and its frustrating that Asobo have decided to suddenly change this in 2024. Going forward, I for one certainly consider the new simvar as "core" as TITLE has always been. Thank you for engaging with this thread, and I'd ask (if possible) to keep this in the back of your minds when it comes to your wider development roadmap.
stephane20 started following FSUIPC DISAPPAER
Hi i come back with my FSUIPC problem FSUIPC module disappear when i want to Take off in america USA Caraibe) i flow LFPG MDPC yesterday and no problems when i go to module in FSX i can use FSUIPC . today i want to do the flight back MDPC-LFPG and surprise FSUIPC don't work i can see it in the module but when i click on it nothing the fsuipc's window don't open the weather via rex fsky force don't send werthar ans ivao pilot UI can't go to UNICOM or other frequencies. help thanks stephane FSUIPC4.log FSUIPC4 Install.log
Camelot631 started following FSIUPC 7 not working anymore
That is interesting - I hadn't noticed that. That will at least make the profile matching easier/more reliable for most people! It is not possible to add MSFS2024-only simvars to FSUIPC offsets at the moment, as this would create issues when using MSFS2020. I could look into only requesting certain simvars in specific MSFS versions at some point if needed, but I don't think this one is useful enough for enough people to add this to a fixed offset at the moment.
Hi John, Thanks for the reply. The reason why Livery Name got added to the MSFS 2024 SDK was because Asobo changed the way that native liveries are packaged. The "title" simvar now only returns the name of the "parent" aircraft type irrespective of livery, with no insight into the specific livery being used. I'll surely check out the advanced user guide in terms of adding custom offsets, however I raised it here as I believe the addition of a new offset native to FSUIPC will be of interest to other users/developers that need this info out of the sim
Your upload limit is rather restricted as you are a new forum user - it will increase the more you post. You can try compressing/zipping it, but if still too large you can use one of the free file exchange services, e.g. You only need to update the one, but it doesn't matter. Ok, so the buttons on your controllers/devices are not recognised? If thats the case, please also attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv files. And that would explain why nothing is working, but is not exactly the issue of this topic...
I am getting microstutters whilst using FSUIP7
John Dowson replied to Penny93's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
That can have absolutely no affect whatsoever, as only additional software and files are installed with this, and nothing is actually started or used unless you manually do something with what is installed. The log file you attached was attached when FSUIPC was still running - please exit FSUIPC before attaching files. Did you check the MSFS logging console for messages? Did you try setting the ThreadAffinityMask? -
Gunilingus joined the community
This one works, John! Matt
karrilon joined the community
During some of my initial troubleshooting, some people said not installing the "extras" stopped the stuttering issue I've been having, so I didn't install them this time around. Here is the log file again, whilst the reduction in FPS is occuring. FSUIPC7.log The log doesn't appear to be generating lots of entries. Sometimes there is a burst of logs but not a consistent, fast entry of logs. I didn't see any difference between APL being open or not, seems the issue exists with FSUIP7.
- Last week
Dear John thanks for your reply. I wanted to attach the new logs but the page won't let me do it... 1 file would exceed the total allowed size of 0.938kB, and was skipped As soon as you can tell me in what other ways I can provide the updated logs I'll be happy to upload them! In response to your questions, I have uptgraded from 7.4.x (don't remember exactly which) skipping 7.5.0. I'll adjust the ini file as you suggested, thanks for that hint. In any case, today even the mobi db for "select for preset" was just blank... I have a screenshot for this but see above, I can't upload any file. I have the FSUIPC_wasm.ini file in two different places: appdata\local\community and wpsystem\.....\appdata\local\packages....\community. I have updated both according to your instructions. Even after updating the ini file as you suggested there's no connection between FSUIPC and my controls setup, neither there's a chance to reassign the buttons. I look forward to hear from you again and have your lovely piece of software back at work!
Thats not strictly true - it could be that the WASM couldn't acquire a simconnect connection, which may be your issue. This is usyally caused by another third party app taking too many connections. FSUIPC can sometimes cause this, if nadly tuned, but the auto-tuning facility should detect this and set auto-tuning to run, and after FSUIPC7 has been ran a few times (2 or 3) it should have tuned itself. Anyway, if thats the case, the FSUIPC7.log file may help. but I may also need to see a SimConnect.log file to see what is taking all the connections. But let me see the FSUIPC7.log file first, and follow my other suggestions. John
Chutes started following FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules and FSUIPC7 MSFS
Chutes joined the community
Sorry, I do see 16 now, I forgot that numbers start at 0. Thank you for your involvement, Ihave uninstalled one controller that is rarely used for the moment and solved the problem of two devices having the same GUID by re installing one of them.
I am afraid that 16 is the maximum number of devices allowed. Not sure why you are only seeing 15 though... John