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fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
John Dowson replied to eddmariner's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
Do you mean logging simconnect? What is confusing about those instructions? Please let me know and I will update... But you probably don't need to do this - it is a last resort. It can help with diagnosing simconnect connection issues as it shows all simconnect clients and how many connections they are using (as well as all SimConnect activity). And the log files can grow large very quickly. Ok, not problem - thanks for the update. If these issues return, check the FSUIPC log file and see if there are any connection issues and if so take appropriate action (whatever that may be!). Regards, John -
John Dowson started following Local Variables? and User Manual For FSUIPC
As I said in the DM you sent me: This is all in the documentation. It will log ALL events that have been applied in the FS, but note that Axes controls/events are logged on a separate check-box for (hopefully) obvious reasons. Yes, of course, but you need the registered version to use the assignment functionality. The free version is mainly used for two purposes: - supporting 3rd party add-ons that use FSUIPC - its logging facilities For StreamDeck, did you read that link? In it it says: So why don't you try that first, with the unregistered version of FSUIPC, and see if that is enough for your needs. You can then decide if you need the full/licensed version. Well, FSUIPC has been around for 20 odd years and the current documentation and available resources seems to be good enough for almost all other users. As I said, try these forums (there is a wealth of information here) and there are also other resources (videos, etc) - just google. I know the documentation is not ideal but it is what it is - I have far too much to do and have no time at all to even consider re-writing the documentation. And it really isn't difficult if you just play around with it - many people get by and don't even realise that there is ample documentation installed in their Documents folder.... I only provide a trial license for FSUIPC7 / MSFS. I suggested that, if you are looking for something to help you with StreamDeck, you try that plugin with an unregistered FSUIPC, and then you can decide if you want to purchase a license. Please also note that you posted in a topic that is 15 years old and not related to your post. Any further questions, please find an appropriate topic or create a new one. John
aryan20254 joined the community
fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
eddmariner replied to eddmariner's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
i have completed everything in this section except the log create file thing(confusing). things are now working as they should (for now).so i thank you profusely Mr Dowson,for your time and expertise. - Yesterday
Greetings! I'm trying to use a Stream Deck with P3Dv.5. I programmed many key commands, but discovered there were a lot of functions I couldn't reach with a key command, such as switching NAV1 to NAV2, or FUEL PUMP ON/OFF, that I could only access through the GUI by clicking on screen buttons. After searching the internet, I thought FSUIPC might be the solution to my problems. I downloaded FSUIPC6 for P3D, installed it and launched it from the "Add-ons" pull-down menu - and I was puzzled. What is this? What does this do? How does this work? After careful examination of the parts of the "FSUPIC User Guide" that referred to the "unregistered version." I learned that I could launch a Console Log window. When I clicked the screen buttons, that window logged some (although not all) Control Events. Okay. Good. It does something. Now, what? Is that it? How do I use this information? Can I send Control Events back to P3D? For now, I have no idea what FSUIPC does that would be useful to me. I have searched for a *real* user guide or a youtube video or anything to help. What am I missing? Where can I turn to for help? Is there a demo version? Any gentle guidance would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I downloaded a Trial Key for FSUIPC7, but that does not seem to work with FSUPIC6. Should it?
Yes - please see the Installing vJoyOffsets section of the documentation: You should download and install the latest version of vJoy (from and then follow the installation instructions. John
I have no idea what those variables are so do not know if they can be "accessed". You should maybe clarify what these variables actually are - either on the Asobo forums or maybe on the MobiFlight discord channel. Also, I do not see anything under Local here with the TBM loaded - is that the aircraft you are using? They are certainly not standard lvars or input events, and so cannot be used directly in FSUIPC. It may be possible to access them using calculator code, but I don't know how to do this (as I don't know what they are!). Again, a question for Asobo or MobiFlight. What are you actually trying to achieve? Maybe it is not necessary to use those.. John
Chirivella joined the community
fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
John Dowson replied to eddmariner's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
I have moved your post to the FSUIPC7 support sub-forum. That is a very long start-up long from when FSUIPC7 is started by MSFS until you get to the main menu in MSFS? With such a long start-up time, I think it is probably better if you disable auto-start of FSUIPC7 and always start it manually once MSFS is ready. You can (manually) create a link on your desktop to start FSUIPC7 only. This is not related to any changes in FSUIPC7. Just use the latest release. Ok. If you get issues, check the to see if FSUIPC is connected. To determine if there are any simconnect issues, you can enable simconnect logging - see Also you should increase the maxClients parameter in your SimConnect.xml file from the default of 64 to 128, if you have not done that already. John -
Just getting back to this. I've followed the documentation for vJoyOffsets, but when I try to run it, I get an error message 'The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application". I notice that the vJoy installation folder has an x64 folder, but not an x86 folder. Could this be a problem between a 32-bit vJoyOffsets.exe and a 64-bit vJoyInterface.dll? My version of vJoy was installed as part of the Brunner CLS2Sim software. They use it for interfacing to the push-to-talk button on the A320 sidestick. Perhaps I need a different version of vJoy?
budryerson joined the community
- Last week
Nabeel started following Local Variables?
Hi, Question here - what I'm looking for is listed under "Local" - but the LVars are under "Global". Is there a way to access the values under "Local"? This is MSFS 2024, which is a little different from 2020.
fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
eddmariner replied to eddmariner's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
i use the fsuipc logo to start fs2020, the fuipc splash sreen logo comes on for one second and disappears. from then til the sim starts where i can choose aircraft and airport is very long , about ten minutes. not sure of any sim updates as such, navdata update done before this all started, fsuipc versions 751, 752e,752. all produced the same errors in connection but all versions each would work a least once but then not work after that,\9now im confusing myself). no matter what version i use, if fs2020 is started and fsuipc is running, when i connect cpflight and i see autoconnect icon on the init screen then i know its working right, if that autoconnect and check box isnt there its not gonna work right. im gonna try a flight now and report back. -
This may help - a lua function to convert a decimal frequency, in MHz not Hz) to BCD16: -- Convert frequency to BCD (e.g., "113.45" → 0x1345) function convertToBCD(freq) local cleanFreq = freq:gsub("%.", "") -- Remove decimal (e.g., "109.2" → "0920") local decimalNumber = tonumber(cleanFreq) -- Convert to number if not decimalNumber then return 0 end -- Return 0 if conversion fails local bcd = 0 local shift = 0 -- Convert each decimal digit to BCD format while decimalNumber > 0 do local digit = decimalNumber % 10 bcd = bcd + (digit * (16 ^ shift)) -- Use base 16 shift instead of bitwise left shift decimalNumber = math.floor(decimalNumber / 10) shift = shift + 1 end return bcd end John
You should look into them, its not difficult. MSFS is a very different beast that FSX/P3D, and there are various different options for assignment (not just FS controls and the occasional lvar). FSUIPC's logging helps you determine what to use, and is a lot easier and quicker (in most cases, IMHO) than using the MSFS debugging tools, which I only use rarely as a last resort.
Sorry, didn't realise (or forgot) that you were using FSX/FSUIPC4, No, it is not available - you should use NAV1_RADIO_SET (65708) instead. That takes the frequency in BCD format. Sets the chosen NAV frequency (BCD16 encoded Hz). But you cannot just change 67251 to 65708 and expect the script to work. You need to change the parameter to BCD format, or to an integer than when converted to hex shows the frequency in BCD format (with leading 1 dropped). Try and do that yourself - use logging to check that you are sending the correct parameter. If you have difficulties I can look at it for you, but you should at least try. I do not have much free time for these type of things at the moment.... John
I will give it a try. I am not so familiar with the Log-Facilities in FSUIPC. Anyway, thanks for the Hint.
Thank you very much. Does NAV1_RADIO_SET_HZ (67251) work for FSX? I am under the impression that it is only available for MSFS. For FSX, I have found NAV1 RADIO SET 65708, but I was not able to find an explication what it actually does. The script works as it sends the parameters to the values as I take from the FSUIPC log file: 8469032 [Buttons] 4=P2,4,CL18:R,0 8469110 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=67251, Param=118200000 8469313 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, Released But there is no change in FSX. Same for 65708. Best, shorthauler Files C-47
Rosspet joined the community
kakarat started following fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
John Dowson started following Facing Some Issue with FSUIPC7 Connection in MSFS 2020 !!
Facing Some Issue with FSUIPC7 Connection in MSFS 2020 !!
John Dowson replied to daniellljose's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
For all auto-start issues, see For connection issues, see the section Auto-tuning of initial start-up ini parameters in the Advanced User guide, or the following FAQ entry: If you still have issues after reading and following the advice there, please show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file and explain what the issue is. John -
Hey everyone.., I am having trouble getting FSUIPC7 to connect properly with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. I installed it following the instructions, but when I launch MSFS., FSUIPC7 either doesn’t start automatically or fails to detect the sim. I have tried running FSUIPC7 as an administrator, reinstalling it and checking my firewall settings, but nothing seems to work. Sometimes, it connects randomly after restarting my PC but that’s not consistent. Has anyone else experienced this issue: ?? Could it be a problem with my installation path or a missing dependency: ?? Any tips on troubleshooting this would be really helpful. I am mainly using FSUIPC7 for external hardware and custom button mappings so getting this to work smoothly is important for my setup. Thanks in advance for any advice !! With Regards, Daniel Jose aws certification
fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
John Dowson replied to eddmariner's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
No need to attach event files or licenses - they are installed by the installer. The two log files you attached are very different. The FSUIPC7.log file (from last time it was ran) shows that you manually started FSUIPC7 once MSFS was running and it started, connected and ran without issues. Were thinks working in this session? The FSUIPC7_prev.log file (from the previous time it ran) shows that FSUIPC7 was auto-started by MSFS but failed to connect. This looks to be because your MSFS is taking a long time to start and FSUIPC7 has not been tuned correctly. FSUIPC7 would usually auto-tune itself but it needs to actually connect to MSFS todo this. Your _prev.log file shows that auto-tuning was active but never completed as it never connected to MSFS. I am not sure why it never connected when it weas auto-started - it could be that you ran out of Simconnect connections. What other add-ons are you running? Please read the section 'Auto-tuning of initial start-up ini parameters' in the Advanced User guide, or read this FAQ entry: Also increase the number of simconnect connections allowed if you have not done this already. Do this by increasing the maxClients entry in your SimConnect.xml file to 128 (default is 64). So it just started on its own? Was there a sim update? Did your start-up times change drastically? Your DetectToConnectDelayAuto ini parameter is set to 50 (seconds), which seems reasonable, but your log from the auto-start shows that the last attempt to connect was after 220 seconds and for some strange reason this never succeeded or timed-out. What is the (approximate) time it takes from when you start MSFS to when FSUIPC7 is started (i.e. you see the FSUIPC7 splash-screen), and then how long does it take from FSUIPC7 start until MSFS arrives to the main menu state? Have this times increased/changed dramatically recently (i.e. when your issues started)? That may have been a coincidence. What version of FSUIPV were you using before updating to 7.5.1? If it was 7.5.0, and everything was working, then that parameter isn't needed, It does no harm to have it though. Sorry but this just doesn't make any sense. That ini parameter is never written or removed, only ever read. As other ini parameters can be added/removed, it may change position but will never be removed. John -
Mackenroll started following fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
fuipc / cpflight arent talking to each other
eddmariner replied to eddmariner's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
ok.where do i start,. im using msfs2020 v13820/ cpflight mcp/ pmdg b777/ fsuipc v752 / win 11 home. it all started last week after months of trouble free flying. when it did, i replaced fsuipc versions 751/752e/ and now 752. cpflight would not communicate with fsuipc. i installed and reinstalled cpflight drivers and all fsuipc versions with no results. after inserting your suggestion \(Init3308=13) things worked as they should. \however, after restarting the computer i got the same non working situation. checking the ini file the inserted figures were missing, as it seems they do after any restart. restarted and checked several times , sometimes init3308 is there sometimes not . here are the text files so far. \i appreciate anything you can do \mr. Dowson. FSUIPC7_prev.log FSUIPC7.log -
Hi Paul, Sorry for the delay - report 2, I've only seen it once. I will deploy the beta package up today and see if there's any additional reports Nabeel
TheGorge started following Gear and flaps stop working during a P3Dv5 flight
Joel vVaranda started following Spy MSFS 2020
Jonathan J joined the community
kenny79 started following Feature request - Auto download/install
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John Dowson started following FSUIPC with MSFS2020 and FS2024 installed on the same computer
FSUIPC with MSFS2020 and FS2024 installed on the same computer
John Dowson replied to alainzu34's topic in FSUIPC7 MSFS
No. It is up to you how you handle this. You can use profiles if the aircraft names are different. Otherwise you will need to separate installations of FSUIPC7, one for MSFS2020 and one for MSFS2024. Please see the section MSFS2020 / MSFS2024 Selection in the FSUIPC7 Installation and registration guide, John -
Thanks. Note its probably easier just to assign directly to the Input Event itself. In the button assignments tab, select for Input Events and then select the 'FUEL_PUMP_MAIN_FWD_1' input event from the drop-down - note the actual Input Event names differ from the B-vars. This saves you having to figure out the B-var name, You can also see the available Input Events using Log->List Input Events, and you can see what input event is being used by setting Log->Input Events, opening the logging console (Log->Open Console) and operate the switch/button/dial in the VC and see what is logged. You can also add Input Events to offsets and trigger them by updating the offset. This is useful when you need to know the current value of an Input Event, or if you wan to increment/decrement an Input Event. I recently showed how to do this in the following post (just FYI): Cheers, John
Then please take care to post in the correct place. I have moved your original post, and merged your second post into the first. I have also updated the title - please get into the habit of giving a descriptive title for your issue, and always specify the a/c if its a question on a specific aircraft. This helps me and others. And isn't this the same issue you asked about last year? What has changed, and why not use that same topic if its the same issue (i.e. ProSim737 cut-off). You are creating a lot of additional work for me...! I already answered this question the last time you asked it... Normally you would use TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1/2, which you have assigned to buttons 17 & 16 of your JoyWarrior A8-16 controller. Do these not work? As I don't have the ProSim 737, I cannot advise on what to use. Try using FSUIPC's logging facilities and see what control is logged when you cut-off in the VC, and then try assigning to that. John
Hello, I have both MSFS2020 & FS2024 installed on the same computer. For the present time, there is a common FSUIPC7 config for both simulators. This is problematic since MSFS2020 and fs2024 do not have the same keeboard commands ! Is there any solution to store config for 20 & 24 in separate files? Best
Hello John, Thanks for your insight, and yes I am using FSUIPC7 and MSFS20. I was looking for the correct assignment in FSUIPC7 of the throttle Cut Offs in the whole list: is it Tooggle Fuel Valve that should be chosen, or is it another assignment. Kind regards. Phil