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  1. copy that , i will check that out 👍 thank you for help
  2. hello , iam new to msfs2020 and FSUIPC 7 and i noticed that there is no mouse macro in FSUIPC 7 like FSUIPC 6 in P3D is there any plans for FSUIPC 7 to have mouse macro ? because if its not it will be a big problem for me 😁 thank you
  3. yes i will , thank you for help 🙂
  4. hello , thank you for help , i followed your steps and buttons in the stick work great now 👍👌 FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.log
  5. hello , suddenly because i upgrade to windows 11 i think. throttle buttons work fine only stick buttons not working which is weird i uninstalled the logitech software , restart , and changed autoassignletters to yes , but no luck stick buttons still not working thank you FSUIPC6.log FSUIPC6.ini
  6. hello iam using fsuipc v6.1.9 for P3D v5 and suddenly it is not reading the buttons in the joystick throttle axis and buttons ok , also rudder axis and joystick axis all ok , only buttons in the joystick are the problem using HOTAS X-56 , and win 11 P3D reads the buttons in the joystick normally any solution ? thank you FSUIPC6.ini
  7. correct , i can find it now thank you for quick response 🌻
  8. hello , suddenly the ini file is gone , it should be in documents > prepare3d v5 addons > fsuipc6 but now this location contains only add-on.xml file ! so how can i retrieve the ini file ? thank you
  9. ok , i got that , its clear that i miss understand using mouse macro i will read the user guide again another last question. if there is a new version of fsuipc and i have an old version already installed , i have to delete the old version before installing the new one or just install the new one over the old version ? thank you for explanation
  10. ya , i have a separate profile for each aircraft A320 , A330 , B777 and B747 as in the pics and i made them using mouse macros ( buttons and switches ) , the issue is when iam trying to add an additional profile for another aircraft like B737 i start to assign buttons for it using mouse macros (like the other aircrafts) by the following steps : 1) open create mouse macro then i write the name of the button (example: taxi on ) , then ok 2) in the simulator i turn the taxi light on then a message appears in the top left and i write the name of the button in the line then enter 3) back to fsuipc buttons and switches menu , i press cancel create mouse macro then ckeck the box of profile specific for the current aircraft 4) press the button or the switch in the controller 5) check the box of (select for fs control ) 6) from the drop down list of (control sent when button pressed ) i choose the button assigned then ok however after assigning 2 or 3 switches using the previous steps , suddenly there no buttons assigned in the drop down list of (control sent when button pressed) as it should be also some old assignments for the other aircrafts gone FSUIPC5, Version 5.154 (13th March 2020) , Build 18363 thank you FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.log
  11. hello , i have a logitech x-56 with P3D v4.5 , and there are some key assignments that is not in p3d by default like taxi lights , so iam using macros to assign keys in the controller. i assigned for A320 , A330 , B777 and B747 , but when i tried to add B737 or A321 it can't be added just 2 or 3 assignments , then it removes all what i did + the old assignments of the other planes ! so is macros has a limit number of assignments , or i did something wrong ? thank you
  12. iam re-registering because i reinstalled the windows but now its ok , i deleted the instillation folder in p3d , and i install the new version again the error came from me , i put the new version files of fsuipc after extracting with the old one (replacing) and the key worked thank you
  13. hello , when i download version and installing ( as administrator ) it says the key is not valid , however the key works normally with version thank you
  14. hello , i re-installed EDDF and it works great now thank you
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