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Everything posted by LeoSchoonbroodt

  1. Hi John, Did some investigation and found that FSUIPC7 didn't hang but didn't load the lua in the [Auto] section of the profile and so there was nothing logged and initialized which i interpreted as hang. Found out via testing that this only happens on the first flight loaded after MSFS start and only if i use wideclient to setup my cockpit before this first flight. if i don't touch wideclient, the lua is loaded, so i tried to eliminate which actions on wideclient cause this but have still not exactly pinpointed the problem. Strange thing is that it only happens on the first flight, on successive flights i can setup my cockpit without problems before the plane is loaded. Also, if i manually load the lua via a button that is defined in the profile ini then this succeeds succesfull, so this is a way around the problem. But i still want to go to the bottom of this, just wanted to let you know what i found before you spend time on something that could be just caused because of the way i use wideclient. Only thing that i find strange that it only is on the first flight and only when i touch wideclient before that first flight. I'll keep you informed about anything i find. Have a nice evening, Leo
  2. I will try some more starts of MSFS and see if i can reproduce it, also will enable lua logging as it states "checking aircraft autos...." Just to be see how far it proceeds with this. Will let you know how investigation develops. Leo
  3. John, One hickup i have seen when using the version 7.4.7b is that FSUIPC7 hangs at the moment after the plane is loaded and the log shows " Starting everything now " this is normally where it previously said "Starting Wideserver". Is it possible that it doesn't check that wideserver is already running and tries to start it again? I exited FSUIPC7 and started it again and then it just continued at that point. I send you the logfiles here and try to investigate further this evening when time permits (got guests, so have to attend them now). cheers Leo FSUIPC7 after stopping and restarting FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7 hang after starting everything now.log
  4. Hi John, Works like a charm, i can set offsets and other cockpit related things direct after FSUIPC7 is started, so with this version my problem is solved. Hope you can keep this option in future versions as i think there are more self-build cockpits that could benefit from this. Many many thanks for your swift reaction and solution, Leo
  5. Hi John, Yes i use autostart lua's in each profile, the problem is that this lua reads out settings from my cockpit which are different for each plane and if such a setting isn't correct it acts accordingly. To be clear i don't set it in the aircraft cockpit but in my homebuild cockpit which is then read by the lua script. As many buttons, switches and settings are plane dependant they should be in correct state before the plane dependant auto-lua reads them. This all works perfect for successive flights as wideserver is running inbetween flights. Just for this first flight i cannot setup my cockpit to a correct state for the plane to be loaded. I guess i need to start this ipcReady.lua in the [Auto] section of the FSUIPC7.ini file, as the profile depenend lua is started in the [Auto] section of each profile file? I will try your attached version and will report back. Thanks and a nice day, Leo
  6. Hi John, I have a question about starting Wideserver. As it is at the moment, Wideserver is started the first time a plane is loaded. Is there a way to start it after FSUIPC7 is initialized but before the first plane load? I use a wideclient Buttonscreen to setup several things in my cockpit depending on the plane i want to load, and it has to be setup before the plane loads. This all works well except for the first start after FSUIPC is loaded because Wideserver isn't started at that time and therefore i have no Buttonscreen and other switches connected to my wideclient. It is no big problem just something that creates some failed first loads. For example a plane shutting down when started on the runway because a fuelvalve in my cockpit is still closed. There are solutions for this but would be neat if Wideserver was already running on first load. Have a nice evening, Leo
  7. Thanks John, Yes i have learned the hard way, but end good, all good. Was mislead by a RPN script i got from a friend who uses AAOs and thinking i could execute this with ipc.execCalcCode. thanks anyway for your response. Leo
  8. Well Couldn't resist to try something else. Opened the Behaviors /Input events tab in developers mode and could find and test the LIGHTING_PANEL_1_Set, Dec and Inc events as shown in the picture attached and it works including the animation of the Overhead rotator. But when i use one of those in my lua script i get the error Error sending Input Event 'LIGHTING_PANEL_1_Set' If i try to assighn it to a button, i only find LIGHTING_PANEL_1 without the possibillity to Set, dec or Inc in the pulldown menu. if i use this LIGHTING_PANEL_1 event for a button it generates no error but doesn't accomplish anything. Maybe i don't know enough about Input Events but could also not find a solution for this in the documentation. EDIT: found the solution, if i use LIGHTING_PANEL_1 in my lua script with a parameter, it defaults to Set So it works now in my scrip for Set and i don't need Inc and Dec For the test with assigning it to a button i did send always the same parameter so that explains why i didn't see any action. thanks, Leo
  9. Finally found some time to test without the B: and it didn't work either altough the event is listed. So decided to test another event in another plane, to make sure i understand how to do it, and to my supprise, that works. Tried it with Button assignment and thereafter also in my lua script, both work. So i went back to the original LIGHTING_PANEL_1_Inc event and tried this via Button assignment to no result. EDIT: See now that i tried the found LIGHTING_PANEL_1 , so without the Set or Inc. See my post below. Have given up on this, costs to much flying time, who knows maybe i will take it up lateron, or maybe not. Anyway thanks for your help. Leo
  10. Hi, thanks for the response, this B: could be the problem i think. I just used the eventname as it was used in the script i got from a friend, and always only used lua, so never used the button & switch assignment menu. Will give your method a try as soon as i am at my PC again. thanks again, will let you know if it worked Leo
  11. Good for you, I stopped looking for a solution as i was flying another Heli. Would you mind sharing your Code? If you say you used a wrong parameter, i can only imagine 0 or 1 as parameter as it's an Inc and not a Set.
  12. Hi John, First of all, i wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. If you somewhere find the time, maybe in the new year, could you tell me if there is a way to list the Airplane Input Events that you query at start of the flight. I have some AAO's RPN scripts from a guy who claims those will work, and indeed most of it works, except the buttons are not animated and i understood from him that this should be accomplished by the Input Events. also present in the script. So i expect there is something in the naming of the event. As example below script works except for the animation of the knob if i fill the Lvar Source. I increment or Decrement the InstrumentsLight variable by turning a rotary encoder. ipc.writeLvar("L:Alouette III SA316B-INSTR_LIGHTS_AXIS", InstrumentsLight) ipc.execCalcCode("(L:Alouette III SA316B-INSTR_LIGHTS_AXIS) d d (>K:LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_2_SET) (>L:LIGHTING_PANEL_1) (>B:LIGHTING_PANEL_1_SET)") If i try an increment also no animation and an errormessage ipc.execInputEvent("B:LIGHTING_PANEL_1_Inc", 1) I wanted to list the available Input events for the plane but see no possibility for that, maybe its my lack of knowledge about Input Events that's the problem and the guy who provided me with the scripts tells me it's working. Thanks for any help and a Merry Christmas Leo EDIT Sorry to bother you with this one John found how i can find the available Input events via the Behavior window of develper Mode and also the log menu provides the possibillity to list them, i was looking in the Add-ons menu as this is were i can also list Lvars and Hvars. Alo found that i can't access Input events via calculatorCode, so this explains why the upper code does only partially work. Still baffled why this ipc.execInputEvent("B:LIGHTING_PANEL_1_Inc", 1) doesn't work as the Input Event exists and i am using the syntax from the lua library.
  13. Thanks for your quick answer John. So this event.sim AIRCRAFTCHANGE should in fact stop the lua if it's still running when another aircraft is loaded. Didn't know that only auto-started lua's are killed when going to the main menu. After re-thinking about it, it's logical, otherwise other non-aircraft-dependant lua's would also be killed. Thank you Leo
  14. Hi John, I did use a event.terminate function (ExitingLua, last event in the list) where i save some persisted settings when changed and close the com ports. Problem is that this event is never received, as the lua keeps running and this happened a few times last months. The first lua was killed by loading it again because i was trying to debug why some offsets wouldn't change when i expected this, but that problem is solved. Could that maybe be part of the problem, if so i will keep an eye on that too when it happens again. At the moment i added a event.sim(AIRCRAFTCHANGE, function) which also closes com ports and then exits, just in case the terminate event isn't received. I will add the logging of the closing of the lua and also send the FSUIPC7.ini file and the profile file for the aircraft that was running when it happens again BTW i am using latest verion 7.3.25 Will keep you posted on this Thanks
  15. Hi John, Sometimes i have the problem that a dormant lua script with events isn't killed if MSFS goes to the main menu. See attached FSUIPC.ini at timemark 7230438 and later. Don't bother about the LUA.2: RECEIVED: ZZ696691 NOT RECOGNISED/EXECUTED events as this are just Switchstates that are send regularly from the arduinos but not all are used in every aircraft. This causes problems when i load another plane as the running script keeps the COM ports to my arduinos open and the script for the new plane cannot reach these COM ports. I attach a logfile that shows that Lua.2 isn't killed when MSFS goes to the main menu for selection of another plane and flight. Subsequently Lua.3 cannot reach the COM ports and Lua.2 keeps processing events. The lua files run fine, most times. Also attached the lua files. Is there a way to automattically kill any running Lua file before loading the next one? Thanks in advance. FSUIPC7.log Bell407.lua Alouette.lua
  16. Hi John, Don't bother for this problem, it is solved. Just saw that it isn't the Comport that failed to open for which the event.com generates an error and cause lua to terminate but one of the other Comports. In debugging this i found that i made a THINKING error: if the open of the first Comport fails i also don't open the others, so the conditional load of the event.com did probably work but the others were also not opened and generated the error. I moved the event-handlingprocedures in front of the opening of the comports and then load the event only on succesfull opening of the comport. Now the only error that is logged is the fact that the Comport didn't open but the lua script keeps running albeit with one comport less. So this indicates that the conditional load of the event.com is possible. Sorry to bother you with this, which is in fact a programming error. Have a nice evening. Leo
  17. Hi John, In the attached lua file you can see that i open MainComport at line 184 and it indeed logs an error when the return is 0 (line 186). on line 4245 to 4247 are event.com events that listen to incoming data from the comports. If opening MainComPort returns 0, the event.com generates an error and lua terminates. Yesterday i tried to conditional load the event with: if MainComPort ~= 0 then event.com(MainComPort, 25, -1, 10, "GetMainData") end but that didn't change anything, if MainComPort isn't opened the event.com is still loaded and generates an error. I was wondering if there is a method to conditionally load that event only if the returned handle is valid. Don't look at all the commented code because i am building a Helicopter-cyclic based on a arduino but that isn't ready yet so i commented that code out for now. the lua script performs fine as long as it can open all the Comports. thanks for taking the time and making such a fine product, as i enjoyed it for years now. Any sugestions to cope with this intermittend error would be highly appreciated. Leo JS145.lua
  18. Hi John, I have a dormant lua script which communicates with 3 arduinos over 3 comports. It listens to incoming data from these Comports via an event.com. Lately sometimes one of these comports do not open, probably a problem with the arduino. Whats iritating is the fact that the event.com for the not opened Comport generates an error and causes the lua to terminate. I can test if the Comport is open before sending data but cannot conditionally load the event.com, so if that Comport is not opened, lua exits and i would like to just keep running as its perfectly usable with those 2 comports that still work, in fact the failing Comport is hardly used. I realise that my main problem is the faulty arduino, but it would be nice if i had a possibility to only load the event.com if the port opens correct. I tried the if statement to only load the event.com if the com.open returned a value > 0 but that doesn´t seem to work. It happens very intermittantly and i see the problem only after loading the flight. Is there a way to conditionally load the event.com which i don´t know of, or do you have other suggestions I attached a logfile in which i repeatedly loaded the lua file again just to see it exit on this error. Thank you. FSUIPC7_prev.log
  19. Hi John Yesterday i got the SU10 of MSFS and this renders my cockpit unusable. After some research i found that the Hvars didn't work anymore, also not when activated from the Addon Menu in FSUIPC. Since i didn't see any complains from users that use other interfaces (e.g. Streamdeck from AAO) this must be caused by FSUIPC7 incompatibility with SU10. Could you please try to find a solution for this as in this way my complete cockpit is unusable. Leo
  20. Hi Reinhard, Thanks for the tip, in my case i often switch planes and wanted to automate the buttonscreen displayed accordingly to which plane is selected. Thanks to your tip i did save the .ini files in a separate subdirectory and i store a different value for each aircraft in an offset which is monitored by the lua running on the client. If the offset value changes, the lua starts a different CMD file for each value which then copies the .ini for that aircraft to the Wideclient directory. This same CMD then kills Wideclient and starts a it again, as only copying the .ini does not force Wideclient to re-read the ini file. As for now this works, hope somebody has a more elegant way to force Wideclient to re-read the .ini. Thanks again for the tip Rgds Leo EDIT: Worked but not anymore, have to troubleshoot why not! EDIT 2: Ok, works again, forgot to set the WaitForNewData parameter, so it keeps starting the ext.run to copy/restart because data was invallid.
  21. OK, thanks John, Just did read all the documentation and found no possibillity. Was wondering if i missed it, because profiles exist for fsuipc itself. Have a nice evening.
  22. Hi John, Just a question, Is it possible to create a separate buttonscreen for each aircraft in Wideclient. I am aware of the fact that you can create multiple pages. I use a buttonscreen of 6x6 which fits nice on a 7" touchscreen and use the first collumn to navigate to the different pages so leaving 5x6 for buttons. Some airplanes use several pages, so if it was possible to create a different buttonscreen for each aircraft that would be handy. Don't know if this is possible at all, or maybe i just overlook the way to do it. Thanks.
  23. Ok, thanks so Presets are like Hvars, i understand. These i use also extensively. Well as i said in fact the problem is solved by the dev of the H145, so it's not needed to create them anymore, was just thinking that with the complexity of most planes the problem could maybe return later. I am so glad that FSUIPC together with lua and a few Arduino sketches does a marvelous job in interfacing hardware with MSFS and the Planes developed for it. Therefore my thanks. Leo
  24. Hi John, Sorry just saw your reaction, must have missed the notification. The dev for Hype Airbus H145 reduced already the number of Lvars used, so the problem is solved in a way. Nevertheless will more CDA's possibly prevent future issues like this. But i don't know what the costs are in terms of memory use or processing time. Thanks for your tip to remove unused items from my community folder, i will certainly do that as i have some I rarely use. I never used Presets, and need indeed the values of the lvars which i send to my Arduino micro to base decisions on. The Lvars for the H145 are ReadOnly anyway. Guess i have to do a little readup to see how i can use Presets. Anyway thanks for your response. Leo
  25. Hi John, Encountered another problem today, a new HEMS variant of the Hype Airbus H145 uses more than your max of 2044 Lvars, so i miss several important Lvars. Is there a possibility to increase this max, or maybe to create a new ini file parameter in which you can specify a substring to not load Lvars that match that substring. As i expect that this plane will be the most used helicopter in MSFS it probably will hinder a lot of users. Have a nice evening, Leo
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