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Everything posted by danewatson

  1. I searched the forum but did not see an answer so I will ask it. Just purchased P3D v4 and would like to purchase FSUIPC-5, my question is... Is there any problem if I copy in my many assignments and settings in my FSUIPC4.INI into the FSUIPC5?
  2. Thanks for your reply Pete, I will review further.
  3. I have been experimenting with using FSUIPC (v. 4.966c) for more and more functions and was wondering if there is a method of toggle displaying FPS through FSUIPC in my FSX-SE sim? Also is there a way to setup by a key press (like F11) a Lock Spot View?
  4. Thank you again Pete. I have so much more to learn in this amazing program...
  5. THANK YOU Pete. One last thing I just wanted to share my excitement after making changes as per your last reply to me regarding - JoyNames It is awesome, see below what I did to JoyNames and I no longer loose my setting whenever I unplug controleers and/or plug into a different USB slot. I am just learning what amazing power FSUIPC has. Not sure what the - 0.Radio Switch Device is though? Or the 1= Controller,,,, 2=Logitech..., 3-T-Rudder... is? But this is all OK [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Radio Switch Device 0.GUID={B7441AB0-BD61-11E6-8009-444553540000} C=Controller (Gamepad F310) C.GUID={A628CE50-0254-11E7-8001-444553540000} J=Logitech Extreme 3D J.GUID={F7DD4480-BD9C-11E6-8001-444553540000} R=T-Rudder R.GUID={D17FC700-30DC-11E7-8001-444553540000} 1=Controller (Gamepad F310) 1.GUID={A628CE50-0254-11E7-8001-444553540000} 2=Logitech Extreme 3D 2.GUID={F7DD4480-BD9C-11E6-8001-444553540000} 3=T-Rudder 3.GUID={D17FC700-30DC-11E7-8001-444553540000} [Axes] PollInterval=10 RangeRepeatRate=10 0=JX,256,D,1,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Aileron }- 1=JY,256,D,2,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Elevator }- 2=JZ,256,D,3,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Rudder }- 3=JV,256,D,6,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Mixture }- 4=JV,B,0,64,65993,0,65998,0 -{ DIRECT: MixtureEntering=MIXTURE3_RICH, Leaving=MIXTURE4_RICH }- 5=JS,256,D,4,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle }- 6=RX,256,D,8,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: RightBrake }- 7=RY,256,D,7,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake }- 8=RZ,256,D,3,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Rudder }- [Buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=P0,8,C66506,14401 -{PANEL_ID_TOGGLE}- 4=RJ,8,C65771,0 -{PROP_PITCH_DECR}- 6=RJ,2,C65759,0 -{FLAPS_DECR}- 7=RJ,5,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 8=RJ,3,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- 14=PC,10,C66506,14401 -{PANEL_ID_TOGGLE}- 15=PC,11,C65570,0 -{GEAR_TOGGLE}- 21=PR,5,C66506,14401 -{PANEL_ID_TOGGLE}- 22=PJ,1,K83,8 -{Key press: S}- 31=PJ,0,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- 32=PJ,10,C66506,14401 -{PANEL_ID_TOGGLE}- 33=PJ,11,C65570,0 -{GEAR_TOGGLE}- 34=RJ,6,C65769,0 -{PROP_PITCH_INCR}- 35=RJ,7,C65775,0 -{MIXTURE_INCR}- 36=RJ,9,C65777,0 -{MIXTURE_DECR}- 37=RJ,4,C65758,0 -{FLAPS_INCR}-
  6. Thank you Pete and I am sorry about the wrong posting. Will be more careful in future postings.
  7. Registered FSUIPC ver. 4.966c Three times I have had to re-enter my button and some of my axis settings as when I went to fly nothing worked. On going into FSUIPC I found that some of the settings were not there. I have both a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick (for flight) as well as a Logitech Gamepad F310 (for ChasePlane). Does it matter if when I plug them in they are in different USB ports?
  8. Thank you Pete for your response, I understand.
  9. Not sure if this fits into the topic of Multiple Devices, I am sure Pete or someone will let me know. I am a registered user of the amazing FSUIPC add-on. I would like to be able to connect an external USB device - keyboard or number pad, as a permanent addition over the existing laptop keyboard and built-in number pad. I would like to incorporate it in setting up assignments within the new Chase Plane camera system. I would be happy to participate in the beta trial for the new FSUIPC if that indeed is part of the end result. Look forward to replies
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