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  1. I can't find in the offset list the button and light when you do the captain side or FO side test of the oxygen mask Pls can you point me in the right direction Thx
  2. Thanks very much for the fast reply, John, I'll keep waiting and hoping that something happens soon
  3. With the latest ASFS release B9019 does the following mean we can now get the wxr radar? If so what is the next step? [quote] Added new API function for getting comprehensive area weather and updated API docs[/quote] Thanks
  4. Thanks John for this, it will be something very much sought after by prosim users I believe that what is needed (like with P3D) is the creation of a radar.bin file which prosim then reads
  5. I can't find makerwys under control panel/programs and there isn't anything in the readme about how to uninstall, so I thought I had better check. I have it on my root c drive. I presume I can just delete the folder? Pls confirm, thx
  6. Hi, I as well cannot find the details of this 0505 offset - in the project magenta list the offsets go up to 0504 and then jump to 0506 Can anyone shed some light on this?
  7. MSFS + FSUIPC v7.3.17B I seem to be getting quite a lot of the following application errors recently, log attached FSUIPC7.log
  8. All sorted, thx, with update of the VC++ redistributables, sorry I should have seen this in the manual Re licence, that's great and very happy to have paid twice for all the help over the last 13 years!
  9. I bought a 2nd FSUIPC licnence for a client pc from the same place as I bought the 1st (simmarket) but it won't accept the registration. Is it because my username and email are the same as the 1st licence? Log attached Charles InstallFSUIPC7.log
  10. Thx John, yes I'm staying clear of the MS Store, it doesn't even seem to work, I tried to buy something several times and it said "another transaction is being completed". This fact and your comment above, it's so much easier to buy something separately and just place it in the community folder
  11. The beta worked like a dream, all lvars picked up on all clients, many thx!
  12. Hi, just to be sure I have this right: if I am in MSFS and I go into the content shop and buy/install an add-on (eg Origani's EGKK), I can then run Makerwys (with MSFS still open) so that my 3rd party programs will have the updated data. Is that correct or does MSFS have to be closed when you run makerwys? Thx
  13. I just ran a test with the fsuipc beta and it all seemed to work fine. Many thx! Before, when I had this problem, I had to press reload and list lvars and everything worked. Looks like the beta has solved this to happen automatically Excuse my ignorance, I can't find those ids - attached is part of the list of lvars - the ones I have been talking about are the doors ones "B738_door"
  14. I have resolved it! Something must have changed with the voicemeter program, because for it to work you have to focus another voicemeter program. Thx
  15. I was using P3d v5 with Widefs7, I have widefs on a client where I also have vpilot. I was sending a keysend to this client, but it was not working because vpilot "steals" focus. Thx to your guidance some time ago, John, I resolved this with the following focus and run command in widefs (voicemeter is the program that receives the keypress). This worked perfectly and I have just moved to MSFS and fsuipc 7 (widefs stayed the same) and the focus is not working again. Any ideas as to what could have changed? I have attached my widefs and fsuipc ini files [User] Log=Errors+ KeySend1=123,16 KeySend2=123,24 KeySend3=84,10,Focus,Run1 KeySend4=66,10,Focus,Run1 Run1=C:\Program Files (x86)\VB\Voicemeeter\VoicemeeterMacroButtons.exe UseSendInput=Yes FSUIPC7.ini WideClient.ini
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