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Everything posted by sebpil

  1. I must be very hard to learn..... This is how my line looks in FSUIPC.ini 3=PA,7,C69994,1 -{Custom control: <69994>}- And I cannot find the section in the advance manual you refer to. My version is dated to June 2017. What do I need to add in this line I have? Am not familiar with this way you describe. What is F+3,5? Just give an example of how to set this single button and I will be happy, that will probably be easier to understand than a chemistry formula. If I had the correct manual for my FSUIPC version it would be great. My FSUIPC version is 5.11.
  2. Good day! Now I try to find the command for the momentary push button on the B738 EFIS for the TFC (traffic) button. All I get when I put in cusom control number 69994 is either to set 1 or 0. When set for 1 it will go in and be stuck there and there is no way of disable it again. If I set 0 on the "control sent when button released" then it turns off but it is impossible to activate it again. I simply need to have the button pushed down all the time for TFC to be visible. Are there other settings than 1 or 0 for this button? There is NOTHING in the PMDG SDK about this. So far I have tested to set the value to different ones such as 1.....10 but only 1 and 0 does something to the button. What am I doing wrong here?
  3. Sorry for my mistake, I was in the tyotal wrong forum, thank you for correcting it. Will try the things you suggest and see what happens. So far my simulator is under development and what happens is that I do connect one 32 button interface card after another but not in sequence or all together. Maybe that is a problem. However I have changed my setting in the FSUIPC.INI file to JoyLetters Auto assign=Yes. Looking forward to see what happens next time I will run some tests. If the problem comes back I will get more idetailed information. Thank you for your support so far.
  4. Thank you very much!
  5. Hi, I have a number of interface cards to be able to build my flight simulator. So far I have about eight BBI32 cards. Sometimes when I connect a new BBI32 it indicates that this card already has been programmed when I want to set the event when a switch/encoder is moved. That is why I wonder, is there a limit of how many interface cards you can connect using the FSUIPC? I will need about 15 such cards, at least, when my flight deck is completed. Is there a known problem when you detect many serial cards that some can collide even if they have different serial numbers?
  6. Hi Am looking for a list of offset values for instrument displays. So far I have managed to program my B738 MCP, COM1, NAV1 and Transponder. But this has taken some time since I need to hunt the offset values, for example for COM1 active it is 034E COM1 standby is 311A. But where do I find a list of all displays, like the altitude settings for overhead panel, ADF frequencies etc. Is there a list of what offset values to use for these displays? Am using Mobiflight to program my displays and that is very easy but they always refer to FSUIPC offsets. Getting a bit confused where to find this. Can anyone help me please?
  7. Hi, Now I have been using the FSUIPC for a few months and so far it works fine. Just began programming some displays but use Mobiflight for that even if that requires more complex programming skills which can be hard. Am using an Arduino Mega 2560 to control the displays, a set of seven segment LEDs. One issue I have is when I start my flight simulator (P3Dv4) with PMDG B738 the switch positions are not recognized by flight simulator. For an instance if a switch has been moved when the flight simulator is turned off the simulator does not detect the switch position. I have enabled the data broadcast in PMDG ini file else the displays would not work. But do I need to add more commands for the simulator to detect switch positions? Example of one button Normal procedure is to start and end every flight with parking brake set. But it doesn't matter if the witch in the flight deck is on the simulator still does not detect that. That is only one example. Guess more people wonder the same thing. Thank you for your assistance.
  8. Problem solved. There is a value for the parameter to set for increase and decrease. However strange that it does not work with -100 and +100, that would have been easiest way. Now the controls are about 16000 for increase and about 8000 for decrease the value....very strange and hard to find.
  9. Hi, Have tried to set the altitude increase and decrease using the CTS288 encoder. When I add custom control number 70032 which is the PMDG 738 command for altitude selector the altitude only increases whatever I set in the parameter box. If I set -100 it still increases altitude but I cannot find anything about the parameters so set for increase and decrease. What are the parameters?? Am totally confused. Do not suggest LINDA cause that does not work at all for me, I cannot do anything with Linda it seems to be some kind of "hope" software that does not work. I turn the CTS288 left then I should be able to set the parameter to something that will decrease the value on the display but whatever I set it only increases. What am I doing wrong here??
  10. Good day. I have been trying everything I know now to try to get two switches, one for gear up and one for gear down to send the command to PMDG. Have built my own landing gear module and other panels. So far the codes given have all worked and I use the "Select for FS control" and then choose "Custom control" for all events. I got a list of numbers for switches and commands and so far everything has worked, but not the landing gear operation. Have tried to use the 70087, 74183, 74184 with all variations. Nothing happens. The opnly thing that happens is that the gear lever goes from locked to unlocked if I use 70087 and set parameter -1. Else, nothing happens. There must be a command for this. Have also tried to add 455, 4551, 4552 but still nothing happens. What is wrong here?
  11. Thanks for your reply. That is strange! In other topics here users can use more than 200 buttons. I am very confused about LINDA it does not do much other than detect the button I switch on-off, there is no way to set a command for it like in FSUIPC like using the codes for example the overhead anti collision light <69756>, that seems impossible to ger LINDA to understand. Or in other words, interface cards with more than 32 button controls is junk, is that what you say? I can see in the ini file of 5.122 that it detects 64 buttons on my unit but cannot use button 33-64. That should be an easy way to solve for a programmer, but I am not that, so I am still looking for a solution for this. This is what I mean with a similar other topic with way more than 32 buttons, http://forum.simflight.com/topic/80315-256-button-hid-as-joystick/
  12. Hello again, Posted the same yesterday but cannot find my question so I try again. I have a Leo Bodnar BBI-64 card. There is no problem to detect the first 32 buttons I have connected, but from 33 to 64 is not detected in FSUIPC. Am using the Keymapper software suggested by Leo Bodnar, but I do not know what I am doing wrong, it still is not possible to detect my other 32 buttons. In the keymapper the button reacts and the computer knows it is there but no response whatsoever in FSUIPC. All first 32 buttons are detected at once. Why is that? If I choose control panel and "game control" or whatever you call it, there is also only 32 buttons that can be detected. Do I need some sort of addon for FSUIPC to detect the rest of my 32 buttons or what is needed? My system is Windows 10, 16 GB RAM, 6 GB ASUS video card. Have seen that the FSUIPC does not detect buttons above 32, BUT P3D does whenI go to Menu Options -> Controls and then choose a button above 32. Strange.....
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