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Everything posted by xkoote

  1. Yes, i noticed. You will actually have to start her up and depart. It is the only way to actually test the LVAR's. Thanks John.
  2. Hey John, seeing that you now have the 727. Did you maybe map the autopilot controls already? If so, can you share the presets? e.g. Autopilot On/Off, turn knob inc/dec, VS inc/dec etc etc.. If not no big whoop, I'll get around to it.
  3. Noted John. Thanks!
  4. John, I followed your instructions to a tee. I searched the Lvar, and found it using the Developer Mode. I noted its name and also its value (0-100). With that I had the 3 requirements to build the preset. Now to be honest, I have a difficult time remembering all the help I get from this forum as I only need to apply the recommendation once, and it will work forever ;-). So, some parts of the description went over my head. 🫳😮‍💨 But I did notice that the example had the same values I had. And so, I copied the ...$Param... part and created the following in the MyEvents.txt B727 Spoiler Axis#$Param 16384 + 327.68 / 0 max 100 min (>L:FSS_B727_SPOILER_LEVER_STATE, Number) I then reloaded the presets and assigned it to the axis I wanted. WORKS LIKE A CHARM !!! Cheers and thank you!
  5. Hello John, I have had a few tough days at work. I have just opened this post again to see if I can map the spoiler. With regards to the fuel levers, I have edited my "MyEvents.txt" with the following; B727 Fuel Control 1 Run#1 (>L:FSS_B727_PDSTL_FUEL_CUT_OFF_1,number) B727 Fuel Control 1 Cutoff#0 (>L:FSS_B727_PDSTL_FUEL_CUT_OFF_1,number) B727 Fuel Control 2 Run#1 (>L:FSS_B727_PDSTL_FUEL_CUT_OFF_2,number) B727 Fuel Control 2 Cutoff#0 (>L:FSS_B727_PDSTL_FUEL_CUT_OFF_2,number) B727 Fuel Control 3 Run#1 (>L:FSS_B727_PDSTL_FUEL_CUT_OFF_3,number) B727 Fuel Control 3 Cutoff#0 (>L:FSS_B727_PDSTL_FUEL_CUT_OFF_3,number) I then mapped these to the appropriate buttons using the Preset function.
  6. Hey John, it seems that he simply did it in axis and oh's where he could simply map this to an axis. But I will first read up on how to do it here, get it done, then find out again how he did it. Thanks.
  7. Thanks John. I will read up
  8. So a good mate sent me a message saying that he got it to work by assigning the axis to "EVT_LEVER_SPOILER_1" which seems to be an event ID. I can't see a way to do this in FSUIPC.
  9. Hello, for some reason, even though I can map ALL the airplane's axes, it will not accept the spoiler axis. I have tried the FSUIPC axis and the 2 possible "Direct to Sim" axes. The spoiler handle does not move. I know it is probably an FSS coding problem and not an FSUIPC problem. But I thought I would ask anyway to see if you might have a workaround to try or test. A fellow user mentioned that he used SPAD to "make a custom axis pointed at the 727 spoiler handle position LVAR". Assuming I can find that LVAR name, can I do that in FSUIPC too. Can you maybe tell me how that is done or point me to the correct portion in the manuals? Thanks, Xander
  10. Well, I tried a flight today. But the MD-11 has its own WASM crash issues. Anyways, in the 3 hours a had it in SIM I had 0 issues. Including the presets I made. They all worked. Subsequent sim session with circuits flown all as well was good. Hopefully this one can be marked fixed 😉
  11. Understood. I'm doing a flight today with all my presets reactivated. Hopefully it will last throughout.
  12. Thanks John. Downloading now. To be fair. I did one flight in the Dc-6 and one in the MD-11 (Yes, I'm Douglas at heart 😉 ) and I got no crashes. Will test this out tomorrow on my next bout. Xander
  13. John, thanks as always for your support. I have been flying the MD-11 on and off and first noticed this behaviour when switching from the .12b you gave me which introduced extended ControlNumbers prior to the official SU15 release. I thought it was due to the MD-11 being in beta and having some issues. Today after a long time, I needed to edit my PMDG DC-6 due to a new joystick and associated Windows joystick ID's. In the process of doing this I noticed that the preset button assignments that worked just before, stopped working. Must have been around 30 minutes in. All the events of course were still present in the updated events text file. e.g. PMDG DC6 cowl flap operation. After I changed these binds from presets to straight out Rotor Brake codes, they worked fine. Testing my other preset based buttons however stayed inoperative. I will post in due time if you don't mind as I always want to make sure I am not jumping to conclusions. I will then send my ini files for the program and the DC-6, the WASM log as describes above and WASM ini and lastly the FSUIPC7.log. Thanks as always, Xander
  14. Unfortunately, after glancing through this exhaustive post (and with build 13 of FSUIPC and SimFX installed) I have the same issue of Preset assignments dropping out mid-session. Native commands keep working, rotor brakes as well. I will have to read up on this post and see if I can get it sorted. Will post back if nothing changes after some additional flights with the appropriate logs. Xander
  15. John, was too excited so I tested it, and it works like a charm!! Thank you so much 😉
  16. Hello John, The numbers I posted were for the log file lines. thanks for the post. yes sorry wrong forum. I will check it out tomorrow. Cheers, Xander
  17. *** Moved from main support forum to FSUIPC7 / MSFS support sub-forum *** Hello, I am referencing TFDi's website TFDi Design MD-11 Integration Guide | Invernyx Docs where it documents eventID's for most buttons in the cockpit. (Click on EventID's on the left to slew the page to the list). With these it was a breeze to program all EFIS SD system page buttons on my joystick. However now I am trying some oth buttons but have hit a wall. The procedure does not work. I have attached the log file. The event between 32906 and 33422 is a successful programming and implementation of selecting a button in the cockpit. (SD ENG page). The events between 37812 and 38047 show how even though I programmed the button exactly the same way as the previous one. It does not work. Any ideas? FSUIPC7_prev.log
  18. Was looking in the wrong place. Thanks John !!
  19. Sorry, I forgot to check if I was in the FSUIPC MSFS forum. I was not. This is for MSFS.
  20. Hello, I am trying to figure out how to properly set reverse on the A300. I have managed to do both idle and full reverse, with one additional wish. Which is to set idle reverse just a tad higher. The way I have it now is to use two buttons on the "Throttle Reverse Thrust Toggle". This lets the throttle go into reverse mode, to set the appropriate amount of reverse. Two additional buttons on my Honeycomb Bravo are set to "Throttle 1(2) Axis Set Ex1" with appropriate parameter values for about 70% reverse and idle reverse (when the button is released). This works well. Pull the levers and they go one click into idle. Pull the throttles into the reverse button range and I get 70% reverse. Back out of the reverse button range, it goes back to idle reverse. Then I lower the reverse levers and it goes back to forward reverse. What I am trying to accomplish is that when I pull the levers, it not only toggle reverse, but also sets a "Throttle 1(2) Axis Set Ex1" value slightly higher than idle. To do this I would need to make a Lua. ipc.control(68069) ipc.sleep(1000) ipc.control(67103) This is what I have at the moment. 68069 is the throttle reverse thrust toggle and 67103 is the "Throttle 1 Axis Set Ex1". The question is, can a write in the Lua a parameter to accompany the second ipc.control? In other words a parameter value to go with "Throttle 1 Axis Set Ex1"? Many thanks, Xander
  21. Starting to slowly get the logic. Thanks !
  22. John, the axis is active. Thanks a million. one last thing, for my Bravo, the lever is reversed at the moment. What needs to change in the MyEvents entry to reverse the movement? I tried different variations of the values in the string but to no avail. Thanks.
  23. Tell me about it 🙂 It's a royal pain to get proper functionality.
  24. John, that sounds easy enough as I already have that file with various entries. And what is written above makes total sense. I'll update and add the entries as soon as I'm back. Hope the doggies enjoyed their walk. Thanks for the support.
  25. Wow! A lot of replies. Currently going on layover and will study all reponses 👍🏼
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