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    Canberra Australia

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  1. Check out this post .......
  2. Thanks so much for creating this resource and getting it out so quickly. I just purchased Melbourne tonight and was frustrated at the lack of local traffic. Your work is a life saver. Cheers.
  3. Using my cheap logitech headset, I gave it a shot & I don't even know what word to use- spectacular!
  4. Hi @Ratchet. What model Logitech headset are you using. I am looking at getting one and if yours works so well, I might get the same model. Thanks...
  5. Update...... Have now managed to get the Voice Commands working without the need to have the Voice Recognition in Windows in listing mode. The embedded recognition within Tower!3D seems to work just fine. Now I have to find a way to use my normal keyboard Left Shift key in lieu of having to use the on screen one and the mouse for a Press to Talk function.
  6. Greetings fellow ATC Simulation enthusiasts and especially those who happen to be par of the Apple Eco-System. Thought I would provide a post that may be of interest to those with Apple computers wishing to run this program inside a virtual machine rather than using Bootcamp to boot your Mac into a Windows OS. I am successfully running Tower3D Pro in a virtual Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit machine using Parallels Desktop. I went through the usual set-up problems experienced by many folk, including not being able to get Aircraft Colours to work until I read a post on this Forum describing how the installer for that program places the files into an incorrect directory. Once that was rectified and also making sure that I run the program as Administrator, all seems to work, including Voice Recognition. On the topic of Voice Recognition, I have noticed a couple of peculiar things...... First..... Although I have read posts here that say that Voice recognition does not need to be turned on, I find I have to set Recognition to be turned on and always listening to man Voice Commands in the Tower 3D Program work. Would love to hear form others if there is a more elegant solution that the one I am currently using. Second..... I cannot utilise the Left Shift key on my Mac keyboard to initiate voice commands. Am not sure if this is an issue due to me running via a virtual machine and again, would be interested to hear from anyone who is using Bootcamp and successfully running this program to see if they also have this issue. Thirdly.... The work around for the Left Shift key issue is to use an on screen keyboard and click the Left Shift on that with the mouse. Not very elegant and as the keyboard floats over the top of all other windows, it wastes a bit of screen real estate. But it does work. Again I would welcome comments or suggestions around potential better solutions that people use to get voice commands working. So let me know thought and opinions. All input welcomed.
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