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  1. I am trying to determine how parking spots are removed from stock airport data when a new addon airport is modifying an afcad file. I use ADE to modify airports. When removing or relocating a Gate, The resultant afcad bgl/xml is correct, however looking at the bglcomp documentation and FSDeveloper forum bgl file format information, I can't find in the BGL format or xml file how it indicates to delete the stock airport parking spots. The <DeleteAirport has a deleteAllTaxiways="TRUE" ... /> just says deletes taxiways..... Makerwys is indeed omitting the stock parking spots/gates, but I couldn't find anything in fsdevelper or p3d doc that eludes to the specifics of what is actually included in that deleteAllTaxiways Is it fair to assume that since a parking spot ( GATE, PARKING, etc) is specified as TaxiwayParking, that the deleteAllTaxiways will include taxiways, taxiwaypaths, and taxiwayparking
  2. Pete: I verified several of the airports that were in question as well as spot checking several others, and all appear to be accurate. I revalidated KSNA and there was one gate that didn't show the jetway in G5.csv, but looking closer, the Stock AFCAD is indeed missing one jetway at G11. I think this is good to go. Thanks for taking the time and a quick turnaround. Appreciated. Bruce
  3. Pete: Getting closer. The AYPY looks good, however the KSNA has No jetways in the G5.csv, but has them correctly listed in the runways.csv I spot checked a couple others, and similar situation. No jetways in G5.csv, but the runways.csv has them (kcle ) For KSNA there are 3 different gate_P 13 defined ( none have jetways though) but none of the Gate_G jetways are showing in the G5.csv Must be some other obscure combination of object ids. I haven't converted the bgls to xml to look into the details. But might do that tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to dive into this.
  4. Pete These are stock airports, Sorry for nomenclature misuse.BY overrides. I meant no addon airports or duplicate afcads Looking closer at ksna afcad, there are gate_p spots defined, but no jetways associated with them,The only jetways are on the Gate_G spots. Bruce
  5. Running Make Rwys V5.128, P3DV5.2 HF2, Windows 11 I ran makerwys with the following switches /Jetway /n>2500 I was trying to find cases where an airport might have jetways assigned to PARKing instead of just GATES. The first instance I saw was at Airport AYPY. Makerwy runways.txt showed jetways at Gate 2, 3 and 4, However the G5.csv showed Park,2 , Park 3 and Gate 4 ? I opened the Stock airport in ADE and it shows Jetways at GATE, 3, 4 None at the "Paking" spots. I verified the parking Types ( fuel, vehicle, etc) KSNA also exhibits same behavior. I do not have any overrides for these airport. One pattern I am seeing is that it appears that these airports have a GATE_X, spot N and a PARKING_X spot N ( eg KSNA GATE_G; 13-with jetway, Parking spot 13 - no jetways.) It is appearing that Makerwys is getting confused with duplicate spot numbers and identifiers. In the case of KSNA there is no Gate P but there is a Parking spot 13 It is almost like it is seeing the P and 13 and instead of associating with Gate is putting the jetway on that spot. KSAN has only GATE_G and 1-18 spots there are actually 2 Parking 13 spots (??) in the afcad. Couldn't include full runways.txt and G5.csv due to size. MakeRwys-JetwayError.zip
  6. Pete: I am somewhat confused on the effect of this new parameter on Tiller operation. I am running P3DV4.3, with the 5.132c FSUIPC update. I have the rudder axis' calibrated and assigned via FSUIPC to Rudder and the tiller assigned as FSUIPC tiller(not the simconnect tiller) Starting with the 5.132C I have noticed an anomaly with the tiller operation. When I push back, and then apply small amount of thrust, still at a very slow taxi speed, the tiller is not responding. However, if I turn the tiller full right and then full left before taxi(or even slightly after starting the taxi) then I have full tiller control. I understand the blending upper limit, but want to know if the new parameter negates the blending at extremely low speed(eg < 1 with the default) Should I not be able to use the tiller prior to exceeding 1 kt or am I mis-understanding the operation now.
  7. Using a registered copy of FSUIPC, is the a way to have an alternate startup such that we could pass a parameter on the FSX startup or some other mechanism that would allow us to conditionally execute the RunIf statements? I have a particular runIf statement that starts a program that inturn launches a batch file to startup other programs. If I am debugging or must restart FSX/P3D after a crash, I want to be able to exclude re-running the RUNIf programs. I had thought about a lua script or even having a 2nd instance of FSX.exe ( FSXDebug.exe) which was just a copy of fsx.exe renamed , but would have to also have a copy of fsx.cfg (and not sure what else). This could result in out of sync config files. I am not sure if there is even a way that FSUIPC could see any parms sent to the FSX program startup and be able to read the 'command line' that was used to launch it. FSUIPC runs inside FSX so it should have access to that info? Thoughts, Suggestions? Thanks Bruce
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