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Everything posted by JoeFremont

  1. I was wondering what the command line startup options are for MakeRwys.exe I am playing with the MS2024 beta and found where the airport/scenery files are and would like to ask MakeRwys to scan all the *.BGL files contained in that folder (and sub folders) and was wondering if there was a way to do that. I tried coping the MakeRwys.exe file into the base of the content folder but it still starts scanning the FS2020 files when I open the program. I know MS2024 is not a released product yet so it may not be possible, thanks in advance.
  2. I have been using MakeRwys for a long time to update the database of airport locations in my website. One user of the website commented that the location of one airport in MSFS, icao code CAD5 was incorrect, believing I had recently updated with recent update from MSFS I decided to check the original output files from MakeRwys to see what it output. This is what I see. From Runways.txt I see this block for that airport. (Edited to reduce unnecessary info). Airport CAD5 :N50:07:22.2546 W120:44:42.3203 2062.49ft Country Name="" State Name="" City Name="" Airport Name="" in file: Official\OneStore\fs-base-genericairports\scenery\0101\APX15140.bgl Runway 3 /21 centre: N50:07:22.3194 W120:44:42.0515 2062.49ft Start 3 : N50:07:10.1715 W120:45:04.0637 2062.49ft Hdg: 49.3T, Length 3978ft Computed start 3 : Lat 50.119308 Long -120.751465 Start 21 : N50:07:34.4673 W120:44:20.0392 2062.49ft Hdg: 229.3T, Length 3978ft Computed start 21 : Lat 50.126427 Long -120.738571 Hdg: 49.267 true (MagVar 21.000), Asphalt, 3978 x 86 ft *** Runway *** CAD50030 Lat 50.119308 Long -120.751465 Alt 2062.49 Hdg 28 Len 3978 Wid 86 *** Runway *** CAD50210 Lat 50.126427 Long -120.738571 Alt 2062.49 Hdg 208 Len 3978 Wid 86 Taxipoint #0, type 1 (normal): N50:07:35.1151 W120:44:18.7791 -- Forward Taxipoint #1, type 1 (normal): N50:07:28.1180 W120:44:31.5250 -- Forward ... Parking Park1 [#G0]: N50:07:22.3842 W120:44:33.6958 Type 2 (GA Ramp Small), Size 7.0m, Hdg 48.7T Parking Park2 [#G1]: N50:07:22.0602 W120:44:33.1439 Type 2 (GA Ramp Small), Size 7.0m, Hdg 46.5T ... FSM A/P CAD5, lat=50.122856, long=-120.745087, alt=2062.49 I also see this lower in the file Airport CAD54 :N43:06:58.7651 W079:04:15.7641 585.54ft Country Name="" State Name="" City Name="" Airport Name="Great Wolf Lodge" in file: Official\OneStore\microsoft-canada-point-of-interest\scenery\Microsoft\canada-pois\branch3.bgl FSM A/P CAD5, lat=43.116325, long=-79.071045, alt=585.54 But in runways.xml I see this. <ICAO id="CAD5"> <ICAOName/> <Country/> <City/> <File>\\?\D:\msfs_2020\Official\OneStore\microsoft-canada-point-of-interest\scenery\Microsoft\canada-pois\branch3.bgl</File> <SceneryName>microsoft-canada-point-of-interest scenery Microsoft canada-pois</SceneryName> <Longitude>-79.071045</Longitude> <Latitude>43.116325</Latitude> <Altitude>585.54</Altitude> <MagVar>0.000</MagVar> <Runway id="03"> <Len>3978</Len> <Hdg>28.267</Hdg> <Def>Asphalt</Def> ... <Lat>50.119308</Lat> <Lon>-120.751465</Lon> <FSStartLat>50.119492</FSStartLat> <FSStartLon>-120.751129</FSStartLon> ... </Runway> <Runway id="21"> <Len>3978</Len> <Hdg>208.267</Hdg> <Def>Asphalt</Def> ... <Lat>50.126427</Lat> <Lon>-120.738571</Lon> <FSStartLat>50.126244</FSStartLat> <FSStartLon>-120.738899</FSStartLon> ... </Runway> </ICAO> Formatted to make it easier to read and I deleted some unnecessary lines The thing I noticed in this is that the Latitude and Longitude and File properties in the XML seam to be coming from the CAD54 entry in the TXT file. CAD54 does not appear in the XML file, probably because there are no runways. I have always used the XML file as its easier for a program to parse and update my system from and this is the first time I have noticed a problem like this. I did write a quick program to compare the data in my XML file to find runways whose location was more than a degree different from the airport location and it identified about five where this problem exists. I think I can work around it by using the average of the runways in this situation but thought I would report it.
  3. That's great news, by chance has anyone tried running makerwys on it? I know its no longer supported but am curious.
  4. Hi Pete and John. I see that LM has announced that P3Dv6 will be released next month, are there any plans to support it? Actually your product is the foundation of so many other addon's that I would be surprised if you were not working with them already;.
  5. If the code is available I can try to take a look at it, is it open source now? I have worked as a software developer in the silicon valley area for quite a while now so would be happy to take a look at it.
  6. I have used MakeRwys to extract airport data from simulator for updating my database. I recently added to my sim library a series of airports from installed from the "Boeing B-314 - The Clipper MSFS" package and wanted to extract the airport codes from it. The packages were installed into my community folder and MakeRwys found them. An example path to one of the files is "...\Community\pilots-b314-seaports\scenery\BW314.bgl" The problem I found is that for the above airport, MSFS reports its ICAO code as BW314 but in the runways.xml file its reported as BW31, I did verify that I am using the latest version (5.13) I do realize that this may be problem in the way Pilots encoded the bgl file and isolated to this product but worried that there might be a larger issue with some codes getting truncated. The airports from Pilots comes as a separate free package, you just need to register in their webstore and claim you purchased the main package through the MSFS market place and you can download the installer. Its very plausible that the installer verifies the main package is installed before proceeding but can't confirm that since I already had the plane installed.
  7. Hi John I am using these offsets to get the maximal capacity of all tanks in gallons 0x0B78 0x0B80 0x0B98 0x0B88 0x0BA0 0x0B90 0x0BA8 0x1248 0x1250 0x1258 0x1260 And these to get percentage of fuel in tanks 0x0B74 0x0B7C 0x0B94 0x0B84 0x0B9C 0x0B8C 0x0BA4 0x1244 0x124C 0x1254 0x125C Sorry I am ready 11 tanks no the seven that I said before. I was not aware of the adding simulator variables but not sure if it would be useful for me as it would require the users of my program of to do the configuration themselves that than just having my program read using the standard offsets.
  8. I have a program that reads and can set the fuel for each fuel tank in the sim. Recently I have gotten some complaints from users with the new DC Designs Concorde where apparently it has 13 fuel tanks, which more than seven I am currently reading. Is there a way to get these other tanks?
  9. I can see the information in the sim when your looking at the nearest airports in the GPS, but not in the airport information page from the navigation map. Maybe its stored somewhere else. Thanks for the answer Pete.
  10. Hi Team, I have long used make runways to extract airport information from various sims, but was wondering if using it, there was a way to be able to extract the type of fuel available at an airport, ie if Jet-A or Avgas is available there? I have looked at the docs and the output files and have not seen anything.
  11. Glad to hear you are looking into it, it is frustrating that Asobo is being so tight with there documentation, but then they have probably bitten off a little more than they can chew. I am very much looking forward to the MakeRwys update.
  12. That is great news, I will be looking forward to the next release.
  13. Thanks Pete
  14. Interesting. It was reported as responding. I'll double-check here. Have you changed the rate? I assume there's a keypress for it, or are you writing to that offset too? Pete I was changing using keystrokes and I did have to map my own keys to get it to work. I am working on the client for FSAirlines and getting the sim rate is quite important for us.
  15. 0x0262 - for reading if the sim is paused does not seem to be working either.
  16. Hi All, I am testing out with the latest FSUIPC7 and when I call function 0x0C1A - Simulation Rate its always returning the value for 1x.
  17. I was just wondering if you were planning on updating Make Runways for MSFS? I have found this to be a great tool and was very much looking forward to it.
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